Special Kiddush Honoring Rabbi Emanuel Rose

T H I S  S A T U R D A Y ,  D E C E M B E R  3
9 : 1 5  A M
A   S P E C I A L   S H A B B A T
This coming Shabbat is a special one for my family, as it is the anniversary of my father's Bar Mitzvah!  My Mother and Father will be joining us in celebration.  Dad will chant the Haftarah and my Mum will have an aliyah as well.  We will celebrate with a special kiddush following the service and who knows, maybe even drink a l'chayim.    
There is also a profound and hidden connection between the Haftarah that Dad wil be chanting and my own Bar Mitzvah Torah portion (Parshat Naso - hint: it has to do with a very well-known part of Parshat Naso).  I'll let you decide whether that's a coincidence or not and we will have a chance to explore the connection a bit more during the service.  
I hope you will be able to join us for this simchah on Parshat Toldot!  I look forward to being with you.

For those who may be unaware, my father is presently Rabbi Emeritus   of Congregation Beth Israel,  right here in Portland,  after a distinguished 46 years  of serving as their Senior Rabbi.
Rabbi Joshua Rose   

Rabbi Emanuel Rose

Rabbi Emanuel Rose served as Congregation Beth Israel's Senior Rabbi from 1960, until his retirement in 2006.  Rabbi Rose was born in Jamaica, New York and hails from a family of fifteen generations of Rabbis.  He had served as Assistant Rabbi at New York City's Temple Emanu-El before coming to Portland.  
About the Rose Family Legacy in Portland
Services, beginning at 9:15 am will be followed by a delicious sponsored Kiddush lunch!
All are welcome. 
Congregation Shaarie Torah  | (503)226-6131  | Email  Us | shaarietorah.org