September 3, 2022
Dear Harvest Life Church Family:
Welcome to September – and our “Quantum Season!” We see a great move of God in progress this year – especially since our Churches United Convention! We’ve heard the testimonies and have seen the spiritual growth – but just know this is just the beginning! Keep praying and supporting as we work together through the remainder of the Summer and into Autumn! It's already been great – but the best is yet to come!
What a time we had during our 10th Annual Changing Lives Together Golf Classic at the conclusion of August! We so appreciate all the golfers, sponsors, donors and event workers who supported this event, allowing us to truly change more lives together through the ministry work we do locally and around the world.
God is still moving in a mighty way as we continue to Lead, Grow and Impact our families, local community and world through the power of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support, prayers and giving towards Project Occupy 1.0, as we came together to raise the funds needed to pay for our garage door that is being installed in our New Worship Center! Construction is moving forth this month! We also pray a special blessing of success and covering of protection upon our youth, teachers, administrators and staff returning back to school.
Tomorrow - Baptism and Holy Communion
On tomorrow, Sunday, September 4th at the 9 am and 11:30 am services, we will have Holy Communion for the entire congregation! Join us for this sacred service as we commemorate the victory our Lord Jesus gave us on the cross over 2,000 years ago! And following the 11:30 am service we will have our Baptism Service to celebrate those who have made a decision to take the next step in Christ and be baptized. Baptism is necessary for Christian obedience and is vital to growth in your Christian walk. Click the button below to learn more about baptism, how to sign up (for age 5 and above) and our Baptism Class following the 9 am Service.
Check Out What's Going On at
Harvest Life in September!

Don't miss our powerful worship services, events, fellowships and more to help you grow, be empowered and enjoy a great time in the Lord!
Product of the Month

Our Book of the Month is Quantum Leap. Be sure to pick up your copy on the website or at church for just $11.99.
Get ready for our 27th Pastors and Church Anniversary in October! Stay tuned for more details about our grand Anniversary celebration. We need your passion, prayers and support as we celebrate all God has done, is doing, and is about to do for Harvest Life Church!
We look forward to seeing you at Sunday School – the best school in town – each Sunday at 8 am! It is at Sunday School where you will receive foundational teaching in the Word of God and will be equipped with the Biblical wisdom and understanding to sustain you in your Christian journey. There are classes for youth (ages 3 and up), Middle School, High School, and adults. Pastor Deborah teaches the Adult and High School Class with passion and conviction! You don’t want to miss Sunday School!
Also, continue attending Sunday services and Word Wednesday each week. Embrace your assignment in God as a Reach Leader for Jesus Christ by inviting someone to church.
Stay connected and engaged with Harvest Life Church by regularly checking for events and information that are vital to helping you live your best life in Christ!
We Lead. We Grow. We Impact.  This is the calling God has placed on Harvest Life Church and our members. You are called to lead, to grow and to impact your family, community, and the world through the power of Jesus Christ!  We love you and thank you for your continued support and prayers.  May God bless you tremendously as you live out your best year yet!
Bishop Lyle Dukes & Pastor Deborah Dukes
Senior Pastors, Harvest Life Church