A Message From Our Executive Director
In response to a growing concern among people in the tourism industry we have put together this information package for our members and colleagues. Recent calls from tourism business owners indicate that concern over this virus are beginning to impact their businesses in some way. Whether it is guests calling for reassurance, bookings slowing down or business owners developing preparedness plans we hope that this package will help in some way.
NOTO will continue to monitor this situation and work with tourism and Government colleagues to ensure the flow of information continues and that the impacts to tourism are known to our Federal and Provincial Governments.
In this special newsletter, you will find the inclusion of an important survey. Please be sure to take the time to complete it and be prepared to do additional surveys as we move forward. Your participation will help us understand how your business is being impacted and work with Government and tourism partners to ensure appropriate supports are in place if needed.
NOTO, has recently joined a Northern Ontario COVID-19 Task Force lead by Destination Northern Ontario, which brings all tourism organizations in the North together to share information regularly about this virus and to ensure we are all up-to-date on the latest developments and impacts to the tourism industry.
As a result of the issues surrounding COVID-19, I will not be attending the Toronto Sportsmen's Show or the Northwest Sportshow in Minneapolis this spring. We urge you to continue calling or emailing the NOTO office at anytime to keep us directly informed as things happen or if you have any further questions.
Take care,
Laurie Marcil