Dear Mark,
Although it has taken more time than we had hoped, your Glenmore Community Association (GCA) Security Committee has completed our transition to the new gatehouse systems implemented to improve perimeter security and gate access. Our two entrance gates and the video surveillance cameras around the gatehouse are fully operational and, with your patience, we have improved the performance of our Resident Gate. The Committee will continue to assess these systems as we enter 2023.
In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email from our security partner, TEKWave Solutions, to register for your household "account" on the new system using a link embedded in the email.
With your account, you can:
- Set up your family members and grant them gate access privileges as appropriate for your family.
- Add, edit, or remove visitors, contractors, deliveries, and other guests thereby communicating to the gatehouse those whom you authorize to enter Glenmore.
- Set up custom email or text notifications so you are better aware of visitor arrivals, etc.
- Send a Quick Pass QR code to your authorized visitors allowing them to automatically enter our Visitor Gate by displaying the code to the gatehouse reader.
- Communicate to the gatehouse staff for parties and other special events to which multiple guests will be authorized.
- Access other features and amenities that we'll roll out over time to facilitate our resident and visitor management through our entrance gates.
The email from TEKWave Solutions will provide you with guidance on accessing your account once you register. That same email will provide you with how you get assistance and support should you need it. The Gatehouse page on GCA's website ( is updated for your use as needed.
After registering, the best way to access your account is through a TEKControl Visitor Management app which you can download to your smartphone or tablet device from the appropriate app store.
There are many benefits to using this app. With more than 900 residences in Glenmore, the volume of phone and email messages to our gatehouse is often quite heavy and prone to errors. By using the app, you will help our Guards and Supervisor better manage gatehouse traffic. Your GCA Board of Directors and Security Committee highly recommend you download and make use of the app.
Finally, you can still communicate with the gatehouse staff as you always have:
On behalf of your GCA Security Committee and your Board of Directors, thank you for your patience and your continued support.
Greg Pagonakis
GCA Security Committee Chair