Good Afternoon,

In the most recent suspension communication, I stated that we were hopeful we would begin implementing the Return to Play Plan this fall. I am excited to announce that we have officially begun the process of returning to all training and competitions by moving to Phase 1 of our Return to Play Plan.

The Return to Play Plan is a three-phase scheme that will guide the gradual return to training and competitions. The plan adheres to both the Iowa Department of Health and Special Olympics guidelines and is meant to serve as minimum guidelines for the Special Olympics Iowa delegations as they consider returning to training and activities.

Return to Play Phases
Phase 1 - Stay at home order is lifted, restriction on size of gatherings of < 10 people.
Phase 2 - Size restriction on gatherings increased to < 50 people.
Phase 3 - No restrictions on size of gatherings and public facilities are open. (In Epidemic or Pandemic stage)

Before a delegation can proceed with practices in groups of 10 or fewer individuals, a coach or delegation manager must complete the requirements discussed during the 2020 Fall Coaches Meetings.

While this is a step in the right direction, I do want to stress that this process is not linear, meaning if there is ever an increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Iowa, we could revert to an earlier phase. The health and safety of all members of the Special Olympics Iowa community always has and always will be the most important thing.

Special Olympics Iowa will continue to provide virtual programming and events, like the Virtual Fall Competition and Virtual Night of Inclusion, until we are back holding statewide competitions and events.

As we begin moving back into training, please continue to be vigilant regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).

John Kliegl
President & CEO
Special Olympics Iowa
Special Olympics Iowa I