Your Feedback Is Important To Us
Have you taken a few minutes to take part in the Healthy At Home survey?

Your feedback will allow Special Olympics Ontario to build new programs and understand the needs as we navigate during this time.

Contest Giveaway
Champions - a newly released documentary film follows Special Olympics Nova Scotia athlete Stephane Piccinin and Special Olympics Quebec's Audrey Vincent on their journey on local programs to Dubai, where they participated in the Special Olympics World Games.

The documentary can be viewed until the end of November and we are giving away 4 virtual tickets!

How to participate?
Follow Special Olympics Ontario on Facebook, like the Facebook post about the Champions film AND comment what your favourite healthy movie snack of choice is.

Names will be placed in a draw and the contest closes this Friday, November 13 at 12 PM Eastern Time.
Contest is for Special Olympics Ontario athletes/residents only.
Ways To Stay Active At Home
Tuesday Takeovers with Doreen and Lae is back this week!

Join us tomorrow at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.
Breathe in....breathe out...join us this Thursday as we practice breath work!

Join us this Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time and learn the practice of breath work and the value it has within yoga and your every day life.

Remember to wear comfortable clothing, bring your water, a yoga mat (if you have one) and make sure you are in a space that you can stretch out.
136,415.75 KM
The beautiful warm fall weather has made it enjoyable to stay active outside!

On day 170 of Walk The World With Me, we have entered Egypt.

Be sure to take some time each day to go for a walk - no matter how long, it is important to stay active.

Record your walking times and we encourage you to share any photos or stories about your walks using #WalkTheWorldSO on social media!
Sobeys Nutrition Breaks
Lesson Plan 4 - Protein Foods
Pop quiz! How much of your plate should be made up of protein foods?
Click below to download Sobeys Nutrition Break on Protein to learn about why this food group is so important!
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We want to see what you're up to!
So remember to tag Special Olympics Ontario and use #SOHealthyAtHome

Your photo/video/story could be included in a future
Healthy @ Home newsletter!
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