Our New KRS Mural & General PTO Meeting

General PTO Meeting January 12th

Please join us for our second general PTO meeting on January 12th at 7 PM in the KRS multipurpose room. It is a great day to hear about upcoming events, share suggestions or ideas, and meet fellow KRS parents. Light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!

Parent Volunteers needed to help paint the new KRS Mural!


We are so excited to announce that the talented muralist Caren Olmsted is headed back to KRS this month to begin working with the students on the beautiful new outdoor mural! Many thanks to Ms. Bihuniak and Mr. Thompson for writing an MEF grant and working so closely with the MEF and the KRS PTO for this special, unique project. 

The forward-facing retaining wall in front of KRS will be addressed in a creative fashion. The goal is to bring a sense of unity and artistry to our community of Madison and KRS. The mural itself will incorporate themes from the Madison School District and the Borough. The image will be printed out on a parachute cloth. Students will assist in the painting of the imagery on the parachute cloth. Once all painting is completed the mural will be permanently adhered to the retaining wall surface, a clear coat of varnish will be added to ensure the mural will last for as long as possible. A project of this magnitude will have a direct positive impact to the surrounding area as it will enhance the current retaining wall. By bringing in a professional mural artist we believe that we can work together to create an image that represents the community for years to come.

But, we need YOUR help! Please consider signing up to volunteer at the link below; volunteers will be asked to assist the students with their work, wash brushes and supplies between classes, touch-up the mural as needed, wipe up spills, etc. It is a great opportunity to get involved!

Sign up to Volunteer!