
Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update

March 28, 2018
Pesach  5778
In This Issue
Chag Kosher Vesameach
Pesach 5776 at the Kollel
Maos Chitim
Pesach CLeaning at the Kollel
Bein Hazemanim
Yeshivas Bein Hazemanim
Past Pesach Audio
Pesach in 60 Minutes
SHIVTI Spring 5778
Save-the-date: Kollel's 17th Annual Lecture
Mazel Tov To:

Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Stern  on the engagement of their daughter, Devori, to Zecharia Fertel of Baltimore, MD.

Drs. Israel and Inna Pendrak  on the birth of a granddaughter, born to their children, Rabbi and Prs. Yaakov Osher Pendrak.

Jonathan and Dee Tanner  on the engagment of their daughter, Elianna to Binyamin Wolff, formerly of Kansas City.

Condolences to:

Rabbi Dov and Rabbi Yitzchok Leizerowski, and Rebbetzin Libby Brisman on the loss of their mother, Rebbetzin Chaya Rivkah Leizerowski a"h.

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Chag Kosher Vesameach!

As zeman cheiruseinu, the time of freedom, approaches, we take this opportunity to wish all our friends a chag kosher vesameach, a happy and fulfilling Yom Tov with family and friends, and may we merit the geulah shelaimah, the final redemption, with the coming of Moshiachbemiheira beyameinu, amein!

~The Kollel Rabbis and Staff
View our Pesach Webpage to see all of the 
Kollel Pesach Updates:
               Pesach 5778 at the Kollel            
Erev Pesach-  Friday, March 30:
8:00 a.m.:  Shacharis  with  Siy um
9:20/ 9:56 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
10:35 a.m.:  Finish Consumption of C hometz
11:49 a.m.:  Finish Burning of  Chometz
7:05 p.m.:  Mincha
7:05 p.m.:   Candle Lighting
7:23 p.m.:  Shkiya/ Sunset
7:53 p.m.:   Maariv with Divrei Hisorrerus

1st Day Pesach - Shabbos, March 31:
8:30 a.m.:  Shacharis    
9:20/ 9:56 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
6:30 p.m.: Mincha
7:24 p.m.: Shkiya  
Candle Lighting after Tzeis 
8:06 p.m.:  Maariv (w/ Sefiras Haomer)
8:36 p.m.: 72 minutes

2nd Day Pesach- Sunday, April 1:
8:30 a.m.:  Shacharis
9:19/ 9:55 a.m.: Latest Krias Shema
6:30 p.m.: Mincha
7:25 p.m.:Shkiya/Sunset
8:20 p.m.: Maariv
8:37 p.m.: 72 minutes

Click on the chart below to view all Pesach Zemanim

Maos Chitim
As in the past, the Kollel will be accepting donations for Maos Chitim to be distributed through the Kollel. Donate online  (write "Maos Chittim" in the description box) or with a check payable to the Philadelphia Community Kollel ( write "Maos Chittim" in the subject line).
Contact Rabbi Zeffren for questions at 610-507-3906 or 

May your generosity in helping these needy families be a zechus for you and yours to thoroughly enjoy Pesach with joy and good health!
Pesach Cleaning at the Kollel
The Kollel will be cleaned for Pesach on  Thursday, March 29.   After that time, please do not bring any chometz into the building. If you have left any food or clothing items in the Kollel, please remove them before the above date or they will be disposed of.                         
Thank you!
Bein Hazemanim Intersession
The Kollel Bein Hazmanim Intersession-  
continues through Monday, April 16 
(Rosh Chodesh Iyar). 
With the exception of Daf Yomi and Kollel Boker, all chavrusos and shiurim will be on break.
Weekday Minyanim
Sunday- Friday 
 (March 23- April 5) 
Shacharis : 8:00 a.m.          Mincha: 2:30 p.m.
Maariv: 9:55 p.m. (Thursday 10:00 p.m.)
Yeshivas Bein Hazemanim
+Audio and Photos
To see hear audio or see photos of the shiurim, please visit our
We thank our current sponsors:

Rabbi Sruli and Rivka Schwartz
in appreciation to Rabbis Biberfeld and Zeffren for
making the Kollel a premier בית ועד לחכמים
Steven Weiner and Lisa Wise
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Biberfeld 
The Borck and Schwartz Families In memory of:
 פייבל יוסף בן חיים לייב ז"ל - Philip Borck z"l
מרים בת פינחס ז"ל - Marilyn Borck z"l
 יהודה זאב בן פייבל יוסף ז"ל  - Yudie Borck, z"l
Gewirtz Family In memory of:
 JoAn z"l -צירה טיבל בת יוסף דב ז"ל
Shelly z"l שרה רבקה בת אשר אלטר ז"ל -
$180  dedicate a shiur    -    $360 dedicate a whole day 
$500 dedicate refreshments for the week
$1000 - Dedicate entire Pesach Program
A plaque will be displayed on our digital board in our lobby
Contact R' Zeffren at 610-507-3906

Please click on the link below to listen to all of 

our Pesach Shiurim: 

Kollel Pesach Shiurim

Pesach in 60 Minutes (or less)
Starting Shabbos, April 21
Parshas Shemini
For Advanced Learners:
The Laws of Kibbud Av V'Eim
5:30 pm-6:15 pm: Chavrusa Learning
6:15 pm-6:30 pm: Chabura 
from the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yechiel Biberfeld, 
and Rabbi Dovi Goldschmidt (in rotation)
6:30 pm: Mincha
For Beginners:
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm: 
Study the Prophets 
together with Rabbi Moshe Yosef Spiegel
For Boys:
5:30 pm-6:30 pm
 Learning, Stories, and Nosh
on the Lower Level
Kollel's 19th Annual Lecture
 The Dr. David E. Epstein z"l Memorial Lecture will take place on
 Monday Evening, May 14, 2018 
at the
Levering Mill Tribute House
(Formerly Bala Woman's Club)
Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
 For Men & Women
Stay tuned for more details!