Hello Venice!
The Venice Community Plan is the city's blueprint for how our neighborhood will be developed and managed over the coming years. It is now being updated and our community input is critical. This plan (and the associated Coastal Plan) will impact many facets of our neighborhood, including land use, housing, density, open space, climate, noise, and transportation. The elements of this plan will impact all Venice stakeholders.
The Venice Neighborhood Council has invited the LA City Planning team to make a Venice Community Plan/LCP 101 presentation at our monthly board meeting next Tuesday, November 14th at 6:30pm. This is a starting point to help stakeholders learn what is being proposed.
We invite you to listen and learn. LA City Planning and CD11 will have outreach tables at the meeting. Questions can be submitted in advance by noon on Sunday November 12th to: OutreachChair@venicenc.org
Please note: This is not a deep dive nor a debate about specific elements of the plan. A town hall event is being planned for early 2024 to facilitate a more robust flow of information and discussion. A new VNC Community Plan Update Committee is also being formed as an additional outreach vehicle.
Please join us for this important start to sharing our collective vision for the Venice Community Plan Update.
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 6:30pm
Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Westminster Elementary School
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd (enter from parking lot on Westminster)