Special Edition Email:  Property Tax 2017
Dec. 12, 2017
Message from the Finance Director, Jen Amerell

Please find important information below about how to pay your property taxes, as well as where your property taxes go and what services they pay for in this Special Edition Newsletter.

Jen Amerell
Whitefish Bay Finance Director

Property Tax Payment Procedures
Important 2017 Property Tax Payment Information is on its way to you in the U.S. Mail this week. This is a downloadable version of what is coming in the mail.

Please be aware that the Village Hall has relocated to smaller, temporary housing, and there are alternative ways to pay your property and utility bills at this time.

CLICK here to find out how and where to pay your taxes: PROPERTY TAX BILLING 

Village Resources: Where Your Property Tax Payment Goes
2017 Property Tax Utilization

See how your Property Tax dollars are used across the Village.

Click here to find out how your tax dollars are used: 2017 TAX DOLLARS

Dog and Cat Licenses
Annual renewal of dog/cat licenses: 

All renewals may be completed online through MADACC

The direct link for license renewal is here: LICENSE RENEWAL LINK 

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Contact Jenny S. Heyden, Communications Specialist| Village of Whitefish Bay 414-962-6690, Extension 495.  Email:  [email protected] | wfbvillage.org
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