Greetings from your State Capitol.  Along with everyone else in our area, our attention and concern is on the Bovee Fire at the Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands near Halsey.  Our hearts go out to those who have been deeply affected by the fire.  We are thankful for the many brave firefighters who have diligently worked to contain the fire. Our prayers are with the family of firefighter Mike Moody who lost his life in the line of duty earlier this week.  

We are also saddened over the loss of the Nebraska State 4-H Camp that was nestled in the Forests. The 4-H Camp has been an integral part of the University of Nebraska's Extension Service and has served hundreds of campers per year, including many of our local students. The Camp is aimed at youth development and agriculture leadership, things vital to a State whose number one industry is Agriculture.

While in the Legislature I have been a strong supporter of the University's Extension Service  and its 4-H programs. Over the eight years I have been in office I have enjoyed meeting many, many 4-H students during their annual pilgrimage to the State Capitol. And I have personally enjoyed the amenities at the Camp, having most recently participated in a Leadership Conference there earlier this summer.  Simply put, the camp must be rebuilt! 

The University of Nebraska has a significant commitment to agriculture as evidenced by their commitment to 4-H and extension. I encourage the University to continue its investment in 4-H and help to rebuild the State 4-H Camp as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we continue to pray for the safety of those fighting the fire and for those who have suffered losses as a result of it.

As always, feel free to contact me anytime at (402) 471-2642 or Thanks again for your continued support.