While in the Legislature I have been a strong supporter of the University's Extension Service and its 4-H programs. Over the eight years I have been in office I have enjoyed meeting many, many 4-H students during their annual pilgrimage to the State Capitol. And I have personally enjoyed the amenities at the Camp, having most recently participated in a Leadership Conference there earlier this summer. Simply put, the camp must be rebuilt!
The University of Nebraska has a significant commitment to agriculture as evidenced by their commitment to 4-H and extension. I encourage the University to continue its investment in 4-H and help to rebuild the State 4-H Camp as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we continue to pray for the safety of those fighting the fire and for those who have suffered losses as a result of it.
As always, feel free to contact me anytime at (402) 471-2642 or mwilliams@leg.ne.gov. Thanks again for your continued support.