Gold Dome Update
Highlights from the House
Special Update
Monday, April 20, Governor Kemp
announced plans
to begin reopening our state’s economy. While there have been mixed reactions over the decision, We have no doubt that Governor Kemp is listening to the most qualified experts while making the determination on how best to move forward.
Fortunately, reports show that Georgia has passed the “Peak” of the curve and is headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, we won’t be completely safe from this virus until we have “herd immunity” through a vaccine, which will likely not be available until sometime next year.
It is important to remember the primary reasons the “Shelter in Place” measures were taken. First and foremost, to slow the spread of the virus. Secondly, to avoid a strain on our hospital systems and available resources. The purpose of the shutdown was never to wait until the virus was no longer a threat, because in the future, like other communicable diseases such as the flu, COVID-19 will always be a threat.
While we cannot keep Georgia closed until a vaccination is discovered, we can do our part and take personal responsibility for our own actions. We encourage the continued use of best hygiene practices such as washing hands, wearing masks in public, not leaving the house if symptomatic and social distancing.
Below, we have taken the liberty out lining the executive orders, along with more detailed information. We will continue to send updates as received.
Executive Order Overview
Reopening Georgia
Who, what, when, where and how?
Hospitals can resume elective surgeries.
Friday April 24
Hair salons, barber shops, gyms/fitness centers, bowling alleys, massage therapists, nail salons, estheticians, and tattoo/body art parlors
State Board of Cosmetology Guidelines
Monday, April 27
Theaters, Private Clubs, Restaurant Dining Rooms may re-open with strict social distancing, minimum basic operations rules, and sanitation enforced.
Here is a list of other notable guidelines restaurants must try to meet in order to reopen:
- Allowing only ten patrons per 500 square feet in dining room, waiting area, bar area
- No self-service drink, utensil, or condiment stations
- Encouraging the use of disposable menus
- Discontinuing salad bars and buffets
- Thoroughly sanitizing tables and any other commonly used items by guests
- Using rolled silverware and no presetting of tables
- Limiting parties to no more than six people per table
- Encouraging reservation-only
- Posting signs at the entrance stating no one is allowed in the restaurant who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or a fever over 100.4
- Using contactless pay options when possible
- Providing hand sanitizer or additional hand-washing stations for staff and patrons
- Not allowing people to congregate in waiting areas
- Prioritizing takeout and delivery over dine-in service when possible
Churches/places of worship can resume in person worship services following strict social distancing guidelines- however under phase one guidelines drive in/ live streaming services advised.
Thursday, April 30
Shelter in Place order still in place- will expire at 11:59pm Thursday, April 30 for most Georgians.
Wednesday, May 13
Shelter in Place advised for medically fragile and elderly Georgians through May 13th.
What will remained closed?
Amusement parks, entertainment venues, and night clubs will remain closed. Concerts/large events still prohibited.
Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year- distance/digital learning is ongoing.
Unemployment Benefit Update
Governor Brian P. Kemp and the Georgia Department of Labor are partnering to ensure Georgians understand their unemployment options as the state begins the safe reopening of businesses. The DOL has issued an emergency rule that increased the earnings exemption amount from $55 to $300 a week without reducing an employee’s weekly benefit amount. Under the ruling, if a business opens back up slowly and their employees are returning to work with reduced hours, employers can continue to file employer-filed partial claims on behalf of their employees.
Increased Testing for COVID-19
Our state has been hard at work, partnering with various public and private entities to ensure Georgia has adequate testing resources. Per Governor Kemp’s last conference, Augusta University will take a leadership role in expanding coronavirus testing statewide.
Augusta University
Augusta University Health System
will work in partnership with the Georgia Department of Public Health and Georgia National Guard to coordinate centralized scheduling for Georgia’s nearly 50 COVID-19 specimen point of collection sites. As of now, Georgians are still required to get a referral and meet certain criteria before they receive testing. However, with the number of sites increasing daily, this requirement may change in the future.
2020 Legislative Session
Discussions are now in progress to determine when the 2020 legislative session will resume. Session which was suspended March 13 amid COVID-19 concerns will come to order prior to the July 1 date of our new fiscal year. Passing a balanced budget is the only constitutional obligation we have during any given session. We are hopeful to receive our start date within the coming days.
Let us just say in closing, that the decision to move forward with reopening our economy was NOT an easy one for our Governor. It was always going to be a catch-22, no win situation, receiving criticism regardless of the final decision.
As Americans, let us be grateful for our liberties and freedoms in being able to make our own decisions, based on my circumstances and needs. In short, if you do not want to stay home, then please use sound judgement and take all precautionary measures to avoid spreading this virus. And if you do want to stay home? That’s ok too.
As always, please let us know if there is anything we can do to be of service. We will continue to update you on general assembly happenings as we continue our efforts towards simple, smart and effective government.
Shaw Blackmon
Representative of Georgia's 146th House District
Contact COVID-19 Hotline
The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline. If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please contact your primary care doctor or an urgent care clinic. Please do not show up unannounced at an emergency room or health care facility.
Representative Shaw Blackmon
District 146
Phone: 404-463-7583
Address: 401-K State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334