Dear Colleagues,
I am excited to announce my retirement from the University of California. I will be stepping down at the end of June. I have thoroughly enjoyed my academic career as a water economist. I have been fortunate to create and deliver science-based solutions to water challenges, and to lead and assist others in the course of their academic careers.

I am proud to leave behind a thriving water institute that is helping California meet its water challenges. We have created programs that address issues of water pollution, water allocation, water use efficiency, and climate change. The Institute has grown from a single Director to a program that employs 20 staff and academics working on water issues across the state.
I look forward to turning over the leadership of the California Institute for Water Resources to a new director that can bring their own experiences and expertise to help the Institute continue to address the difficult water challenges facing the state. UC ANR has just posted an announcement seeking a new director. Please help us distribute this job posting to your networks.
Leading the California Institute for Water Resources these past 10+ years has been a pleasure and an honor. I want to thank you all for your support of me and of the Institute. I am looking forward to retirement and to the many new doors that will open up to me, as well as to staying in touch with many valued colleagues. 

Doug Parker, Ph.D., Director

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