Responding to Hurricane Helene

September 28, 2024

From Bishop Smith

As bishop of the NC Synod, but also as a cradle western North Carolina Lutheran and the father/in-law/grandfather of eight people in Asheville, having served almost 17 years in Boone, as a lover of our camps—Lutheridge and Lutherock, and just as a human being, my heart aches for the unprecedented devastation beyond imagination in our beloved and beautiful mountains of NC.

We can't yet know what we're facing in terms of damage enough to formulate recovery plans because of lack of physical access and cell towers down, but I do know two things. Lutheran Disaster Response, in partnership with our synod, along with other helpers, will be there for the long haul, and we will rally around our congregations, camps, and communities. Since we can't get to you to help right now, we are praying and sending money—our neighbor-love-in-storage that we are releasing to their management.

We also are praying. Remember, we're both/and people: prayers AND financial assistance. And eventually also our presence, accompaniment, and sweat.

Walking with you,

The Rev. Timothy M. Smith

Bishop, NC Synod

Want to Respond? Guidance from LDR Carolinas

We have all been stunned by the news and photos of the devastation in western North Carolina due to flooding from Hurricane Helene. We have heard from many of you who have asked LDR Carolinas how you can help.  

Here are some guidelines:


First, pray. Pray for all those whose lives have been disrupted by this storm. Pray for those who have lost loved ones. Pray for the safety of first responders, utility workers and highway crews, and others who are putting their own lives in danger to help others. Pray for those who are fearing the worst because they have not been able to contact their loved ones in these areas. Pray for the trained volunteers who will put their own lives on hold to help in many ways. Pray that all may know the comfort of God’s loving presence, even in this darkness and devastation.  


Stay home. Right now travel into those affected areas is nearly impossible due to damaged or blocked roads. Power lines are down and all means of communication are down, except for amateur radio. It will be some time before power, phone lines, cellular service, and internet are restored. If you are an amateur radio operator, please contact Ray Sipe (KI4UDZ)! 

Assemble kits. We first published information on Clean Up Kits (aka flood buckets) and Children’s Comfort Kits as possible God's Work. Our Hands. Day projects. While we are still collecting the ones that congregations have already put together, more of those will be needed! A copy of the directions for both is available here.  When you have the kits completed, contact us to make arrangements for collecting them.

Make a financial gift & volunteer. Details about both of these are below.

Request assistance. While clean-up operations are overwhelmed, requests still need to be registered. If you have damage, or someone you know has damage, please call the Crisis Cleanup number to register. This gives all the volunteer organizations an idea of the scope and location of where help is needed. Please call (844) 965-1386.

Final words of advice:

DO NOT SELF-DEPLOY: For your own safety, and the benefit of those affected by disaster, always work with a recognized disaster response organization. We can help you connect with other organizations that are deploying soon. LDR is known for its long-term work and there will be a plan for coordinating teams and recovery after damage is assessed.


DO NOT SEND STUFF: There is currently no way to get goods to the disaster area and there are no organizations prepared to accept donations. Please don’t ever send clothing or other items—even bottled water—unless you are certain that the items are needed and there is an organization prepared to receive and distribute them! Cash donations are always the best!

Pastors Ruth Ann & Ray Sipe, LDR Carolinas Coordinators

Make a Financial Gift Today!

Cash donations are the most helpful thing you can do right now.

Here are three ways you can give:

Give to the NC Synod's Disaster Fund

These funds will stay in NC and be used to support local congregations and camps in recovery. Choose "Where needed most" and indicate "Helene" on the memo line.

NC Synod Disaster Fund 

Give to LDR Carolinas

These funds will be used in both Carolinas to recover from the hurricane—where needed most. Managed by the NC Synod. Please note "LDR Carolinas" on the Memo Line.

LDR Carolinas Fund

Give to Lutheran Disaster Response

Grant funds from Lutheran Disaster Response will provide for both unmet short-term needs as well as long- term recovery.

Lutheran Disaster Response

Volunteer Opportunities

There are two specific needs right now. Contact the LDR Carolinas coordinators for more information if you are interested in learning more about these.

  • Trained shelter volunteers (with American Red Cross or FEMA certification) are needed to support the emergency shelters that have been opened by NC Emergency Management. Online training is available from FEMA. Some shelters are accepting other volunteers as well.
  • Volunteers are needed to take phone calls for Crisis Cleanup. This work requires brief online training and basic computer skills. Volunteers can take calls in their own homes and on their own schedules. Cell service is difficult in the West so this is a great way for the rest of the state to provide support.

LDR Carolinas Coordinators

Pastor Ray Sipe


Pastor Ruth Ann Sipe


LDR Carolinas Links

LDRC Resources
Facebook Page
LDR Carolinas Website

Special e-News | NC Synod, ELCA | 704-633-4861 |