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November 14, 2023 | Volume XII | Issue 46

Potential cancer breakthrough, newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells

Melissa Rudy reports for Fox News:

Researchers say they've located a "kill switch" that can trigger the death of cancer cells.

Scientists at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California, have identified a protein on the CD95 receptor that can "program" cancer cells to die, as detailed in a study published in the journal Cell Death & Differentiation last month.

A receptor is a protein within a cell that receives and transmits signals.

CD95 receptors — also referred to as Fas — have gained the nickname "death receptors" because they send a signal that causes cancer cells to "self-destruct," according to a press release from UC Davis.

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Who will care for older adults?

Judith Graham

Thirty-five years ago, Jerry Gurwitz was among the first physicians in the United States to be credentialed as a geriatrician — a doctor who specializes in the care of older adults.

“I understood the demographic imperative and the issues facing older patients,” Gurwitz, 67 and chief of geriatric medicine at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, told me. “I felt this field presented tremendous opportunities.”

But today, Gurwitz fears geriatric medicine is on the decline. Despite the surging older population, there are fewer geriatricians now (just over 7,400) than in 2000 (10,270), he noted in a recent piece in JAMA. (In those two decades, the population 65 and older expanded by more than 60%.) Research suggests each geriatrician should care for no more than 700 patients; the current ratio of providers to older patients is 1 to 10,000.

What’s more, medical schools aren’t required to teach students about geriatrics, and fewer than half mandate any geriatrics-specific skills training or clinical experience. And the pipeline of doctors who complete a one-year fellowship required for specialization in geriatrics is narrow.

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Prior authorization, other regulatory burdens have increased since last year, practices tell MGMA

Fierce Healthcare reports:

Nine in 10 polled medical practices say their regulatory burden has increased over the past year with prior authorization, audits and appeals, the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP) and requirements around surprise billing and good faith estimates headlining physicians’ complaints.

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The world’s first whole-eye transplant is helping an Arkansas man recover from a catastrophic injury


Surgeons at NYU Langone Health have performed what they say is the world’s first whole-eye transplant, combined with a partial face transplant, in an important step forward for the fields of both transplantation and vision restoration.

View the video HERE.

Publisher of Week in Review, Specialty Focus, FHIweekly & Game Changers