December 3, 2024 | Volume XIII | Issue 49

Private equity owned hospices underperform non-profits: Study

Healthcare Dive reports:

Caregivers of hospice patients reported more negative experiences at facilities owned by private equity firms and publicly traded companies than at nonprofit hospice facilities, according to a study published last month in JAMA Network Open.

Survey respondents ranked hospices owned by private equity firms or publicly traded companies lower on all metrics — including communication, timely care, respect for hospice patients, help with symptoms and hospice care training.

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Understanding the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute

Jeff Cohen | Florida Healthcare Law Firm

The federal Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) is a crucial law in the healthcare industry. It criminalizes the act of paying someone to refer patients or generate business when any form of state or federal healthcare program funds—such as Medicare, Medicaid, CHAMPUS, and TriCare—are involved. Many states have their own versions of this law. While it seems straightforward, many physicians and healthcare businesses find it challenging to comply with this foundational healthcare regulation.

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Remote therapeutic monitoring reduces readmissions, academic research shows

Bill Siwicki reports for Healthcare IT News:

The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine did a controlled test and showed the odds of infection-related readmissions were decreased in the RTM group by 76% at 30 days, 80% at 60 days and 68% at 90 days.

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Importance of gut and brain connection to improve your long term health

Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV

You've heard it before: "You are what you eat." Science is now confirming that this saying is true, especially when it comes to the impact on our gut bacteria.

Watch the video HERE.

Publisher of Week in Review, Specialty Focus, FHIweekly & Game Changers