“Educating Students for Success in a Changing World”
pledge to be a
who believes in my
; to care for myself, my family, my
, and our
. I will show the quality of my character by being
, and valuing the
of myself and others. I will remember that where I fail, I learn.
I will be
and take each moment as an opportunity to grow.
Holiday Celebrations & Happy New Year
On December 21
the students participated in a school- wide event that celebrated different winter holidays from around the world. Each classroom was able to choose a different country and then decorate a table based on how their chosen country celebrates the winter holidays. The countries chosen were Russia, Israel, Mexico, and Japan.
Students were able to enjoy lunch together and then they separated into smaller groups to enjoy the afternoon activities.
The activities included a group discussion learning about Hanukkah, an art & crafts lesson where the students made Japanese paper ornaments, and an indoor snowball fight. Thank you to Ms. Debbie Iszauk for sharing her collection of dreidels and menorahs with the school and the parents from the PTF for organizing and running the craft.
From the Desk of
Michelle Johnson
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those that gave to Spectrum Charter School during our
2018 Year-End Giving Campaign
. It was a great success! The year end funds are very important to our school and are of great help in providing school-to-work education for our students
As a result of your generosity we were able to make the following WISHES a reality:
Business Card Flash Drives for Visual Resumes:
Provides our students with virtual resumes for a customized employment program.
SMART Pen & Dry Erase Boards:
These two
additions will help with classroom lessons and presentations and increase our ability to interact with students schedules and job listings.
Vocational Task Boxes:
Students will be able to continue to practice valuable vocational skills.
....And finally we will be able to make a purchase of
8 Google Chrome Books
: Providing students with important classroom and life learning skills.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Michelle Johnson
dditional activity that students enjoyed during the holiday season was a visit to historical Frick Pittsburgh to view the holiday gardens and decorations and to create their own holiday decorations.
Holiday Shopping
The Holiday gift store was once again stocked to the hilt with great items.
With thanks to the Parent Task Force and others for caring. The donations and shopping and wrapping – thank you all for sharing. The candles and the keychains; the books and the glam, students found gifts for moms, dads, siblings and grands!
Introducing Spectrum Charter School
Student Council
and their advisors -
Ms. Brandy, Ms. Amber and Ms. Natalie.
Student Council has been busy organizing fundraising activities that support student dances and small gifts and snacks to celebrate National School Week (during the week if January 20-26). Student Council is also exploring a plan to create the first ever Spectrum Prom.
Fundraising activities have included selling holiday grams to staff and students. This activity was so popular and successful (students raised $80) that they plan to repeat the activity by selling Valentine grams!
Planning has also begun to create a great fundraising activity for thi
s year’s
Touch-a-Truck and BEE Well Expo
on May 4
Here are fun pictures from our
November Masquerade Dance & Game Night! Out next School dance will be on March 15th.
Thera-Paws Returns Along with Special Visitor
Spectrum Charter School welcomed the Westmoreland County Obedience Training Club Thera-Paws volunteers and their furry four-legged ambassadors for a second visit on December 5th.
This visit was extra special because Post-Gazette writer Linda Wilson Fuoco also joined us and wrote a feature story about Spectrum Charter School and the therapeutic and calming benefits that the dogs share with the students - there is truly a special bond when
Essie, Mr. Darcy Callie and Beatrice come to visit. They brighten everyone's day!
Its's A Boy
Nikolaus Steven Schurr
12.22.2018| 7 lb.13 oz. | 19.5 inches
According to Ms. Jenni, "Nikolaus's favorite thing to do is sleep, and sleep some more! His snuggles are the best. His big sister, Ava, is a natural and so proud of him. She loves to hold Nikolaus, who she calls “my baby”, and is always eager to help. Everyone is doing wonderful and enjoying every moment! "
ongratulation to Ms. Jenni and
her family!
Saturday May 4th
Join us for our
4th Annual
Touch-A-Truck &
BEE Well Family Expo
This popular community event has become an important fundraiser and friendraiser for our school.
We need your help to be able to continue to grow this event
We are looking for S
ponsors, BEE Well Exhibitors, Cool Trucks and Vehicles and Volunteers
that will help to support this family-friendly event and Spectrum Charter School fundraiser.
For More Information about this event and how you or your business can participate visit our website:
or contact Debbie Iszauk at:
Community Based Vocational Training
Student Spotlight
In late October, Bethany, a senior, began working at the Monroeville Goodwill. This program is a Work-Based Learning experience (WBLE).
At this worksite, Bethany was coached by a representative from Goodwill Industries. Throughout the last few months, Bethany worked approximately 6 hours weekly. Her responsibilities included sorting, organizing, pulling, and hanging clothes. During this time, Bethany received a paycheck from her hard work.
Although this program runs only a few more weeks, Bethany has gained experience in job completion, working with coworkers, and socializing with shoppers at the store. “I liked helping customers find what they were looking for”, said Bethany.
Spectrum Charter School would like to thank the staff at Monroeville Goodwill and OVR services for giving Bethany the opportunity to gain valuable work experience.
Monroeville Public Library a place to
Connect. Discover. Imagine.
One of the favorite places for Classroom # 1 to volunteer is at the Monroeville Public Library!
The Library offers students the opportunity to work in a professional environment, practice their job skills, and engage with the Library staff and patrons.
Our responsibilities include pulling books, movies, and other media for library patrons. We also straighten and dust the shelves and shred documents along with a variety of other task.
In the picture above, you can see students pulling books.
A bonus to spending time at the Library is that students also have the opportunity to borrow books - one of our favorites is
The Great Cow Race
a graphic novel from our reading program
The Big Chill
Now that winter is fully upon us, it’s time to review the ways to stay safe in cold weather. Exposure to cold can be an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous if you are not prepared.
Whenever outdoor temperatures drop significantly below normal and wind speed increases, heat more rapidly leaves the body.
Hypothermia is one of the biggest dangers, and happens because your body temperature drops as your body heat is lost faster that it can be produced. You can shiver, feel tired, lose coordination, and feel confused. As you lose more body heat, the shivering will stop, your skin may turn blue, your pulse and breathing may slow, and you may lose consciousness.
Frostbite happens when a part of the body freezes, damaging tissue. Warning signs include numbness or tingling, stinging, or pain on or near the affected body part.
Be prepared by wearing warm clothing that is right for the weather. Several layers of loose clothing will provide insulation. Gloves and a hat provide protection. Limit time outside on extremely cold days.
Snow Fun - Family Fun! How does your family survive the winter months?
Featured Resource
The Pittsburgh Zoo announced it will be offering sensory bags to guests with sensory processing needs at no additional cost - beyond the admission price. The bags, which the Pittsburgh Zoo is offering in partnership with KultureCity, will contain special badges, fidget tools, noise cancelling headphones and other resources.
The zoo will also offer weighted lap pads free -of-charge. Guests wishing to borrow these bags or lap pads will just need to go to the Guest Services Booth, located by the admission gates, and leave an ID.
"Our objective is to provide an inclusive and seamless experience for all guests for all events including those with sensory needs. We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing disorders by supplying our Team Members with continuous training and by offering [resources and accommodations] to our guests."
Parent Task Force NEWS
Be Our Friend
Box Top$ Help Our School Earn $$
Help Spectrum Charter School's
Parent Task Force
by clipping and saving
Box Top$ For Education.
Box Top$ can be found on 100's of products that you are already using - Look for them on General Mills, Pillsbury Betty Crocker cereals and bake goods, Old El Paseo and Yoplait. Nature Valley and Annie's... Hefty, Reynolds and Paper Mate....just to name a few! Just clip...and save...and share with the school...it's that easy!
Your thoughtful donation can be mailed or dropped off at our school:
4369 Northern Pike| Monroeville, PA 15146
Hello Everyone!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Anita Martinelli-Land, I am a new member of the PTF (Parent Task Force). My son Jake is a new student this year and is in Miss Jordan's classroom.
Jake was on a 2 year waiting list and I cannot tell you how happy we are to be here at Spectrum Charter School. I've notice some small changes in Jake already and he has only been here since August. I accredit that to the incredible teachers and staff at Spectrum. I'm looking forward to the up and coming years here at Spectrum, not just for Jake but for myself and the great friendships I have created.
With that being said, the PTF is always looking for input from parents regarding issues they would like to discuss and also for our
Kids Connection
. For those of you that are unaware,
Kids Connection
is getting our kids together socially outside of school, example: bowling, mini golf, etc. Our bowling outing in October was a huge success and a lot of fun for the kids and parents.
If you can't attend the meetings, please feel free to submit suggestions to Heather Yee (
) or myself. PTF meetings will be held once a month on the Mondays after the board meeting at 1:30 pm. After the meetings, you may take your child home with you at the end of the day.
Looking forward to a great rest of the year and hopefully meeting all of you. Stay warm!!!!!
Anita Martinelli-Land
~ Celebrating Education & Community Service Since 1999 ~
4369 Northern Pike | Monroeville, PA 15146