Saturday, Feb 8, 9:30-12

Spinal Vibe Workshop

featuring...the soft foam roller for hydration and compression of your fascia, somatic movement and stretching, and the Great Yoga Wall to stretch your spine in a most delicious way.

Don't miss this special workshop!

Experience invigorating sensations all along your spinal column!

Get your spine vibing, with this special workshop!

You will learn how to massage your fascia, release tightness, and breathe into the nooks and crannies you discover while focusing your breath in your body. Practicing body awareness, is a discovery. We learn how to "undo" the many stressors that we all face as humans. Learning to breathe well is at the heart of this practice, and feeling the breath where you are holding is powerful. This practice is for most everyone. If you have a body, and an intention to move well into your older years, then this workshop is for you. Athletes, desk jockeys, and couch potatoes all can benefit. I can even take ADHD adults (haha).

Using the Great Yoga Wall, our spine, hips, shoulders, and neck get a refresh and recharge. Making space in-between the vertebrae feels incredible! Gentle traction relieves pressure in the spine, and can decompress joints.

Participants must be able to get up and down off the floor, be cleared to hang upside down (invert).We will practice supported inversions such as shoulder stand, and plow with the support of the wall. The spinal rejuvenation series will be taught. Flexion, rotation, side bending, extension, and axial elongation will be offered.

If you have glaucoma, detached retina, or high blood pressure/ stroke, inverting is not recommended.

Register Here

Workshop Cost

  • Early Bird- $55 by February 3
  • After Feb 3- $65
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