Take the opportunity to come and refresh your spirit.
The beauty that our guests enjoy is profound.
It is the kind of beauty that becomes personal and memorable
in a drawing, a journal, a photograph...

The vistas, fragrances, and birdsongs of this sacred space
draw you into the deepest part of yourself.

We invite you to be among the many individuals and groups
that come and leave blessings...
international students, university deans, parent councils,
sisters and brothers serving in ministry, yoga and buddhist groups,
breast cancer survivors, writers, artists,
and all people who seek wholeness within themselves
and for the world.
Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore
the energies needed for their personal and communal transformation."
June 21, 2018
We celebrate the longest day of sunlight and welcome the season of fullness and growth. Enjoy a potluck supper at 6pm, followed by a ritual at 7:30pm. No registration is necessary.
August 4-10, 2018
Experience the tranquil beauty of this sacred space as you restore your energies. Come for 3-7 nights and bring a friend or meet new friends. Private or shared accommodation, home-cooked meals.
July 3-7, 2018
Experience how silence can be healing and focusing in daily life. Allow your senses and soul to find rest. Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm.
July 16-19, 2018
Explore how steeping oneself in the flow of Mercy unleashes a life of abundance and blessing. Facilitator: Kathy Murtha
Visit Our Sacred Space
A wonderful afternoon was enjoyed by all as we celebrated
the dedication of our Heritage Oak Tree on May 27.

We heard the tree tell its story (read here),
enjoyed tree walks, lilac lemonade and oak leaf shaped cookies
baked by our cherished volunteers.
Many thanks to all who made this day so special.
Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude.

Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning.
G uest Comments...
"Besides all the natural beauty of both grounds and buildings, I marvel at the care taken to create diversity and beauty by staff and volunteers.
Each time I visit and make my retreat I experience the graces for the particular time. This retreat was no different. I leave with a quickened step, anxious to live out the graces received."

Find your centre at our Centre... Come and see...
"Sometimes we never know
the value of a moment
until it becomes a memory." Dr. Seuss

"Deep in their roots,
all flowers keep the light."
Theo. Roethke
"To love and be loved
is to feel the sun
from both sides."
David Viscotte

"The words you speak
become the house
you live in."
"The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
W.B. Yeats
"Love and speak the truth
at all times."
Mary Ward
Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-noon
Afternoons by chance

© Loretto Maryholme
Spirituality Centre 2018