Greetings Parents,

Asynchronous Monday is a Learning Day. As we continue to navigate in this new normal called virtual school, I have received numerous calls and emails from parents, students, and teachers concerning the amount of screen time students and teachers were spending during live instruction. Although face-to-face instruction is paramount to providing rigorous and high-quality teaching, I do understand your concerns regarding any potential health effects that can occur. Consequently, my team and I decided to make every Monday an asynchronous learning day.

During this time, teachers open their tutoring channels from 8:15am – 3:00pm to any student who needs assistance any time throughout the day. Students check-in during cohort meetings at which time attendance is taken. After that, they are free to visit any of their teachers' tutoring channels to turn in work, get extra-credit assignments as offered by their teacher, or study on their own. Asynchronous Monday is not a free day.

Whether a student has an A or a F in a class, the expectation is that they are working on improving their grades. Teachers are not only assisting students, but planning as well. Tuesday through Friday will continue to be block days allowing teachers to provide live instruction. Asynchronous learning will still be incorporated in the block days as well. Our goal is to find a balance between live instruction and independent practice in order to maximize learning in this virtual setting. Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for the unlimited grace and understanding you continue to show us daily. Have a wonderful week, and stay safe.