Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm
New Covid 19 Worship Recommendations

The Council has suggested that we ask you to continue your social distancing in the sanctuary. It is also STRONGLY SUGGESTED that we wear a mask while in in the building and in worship. We will continue to sanitize all areas of contact following every worship service. Thank you for your cooperation.
Nite Lite
Wednesday, October 6th
at 6:00 pm

All school age kids welcome
Bring a friend or two

Morning Bible Study

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church
Bring your Bible and your coffee

High School - MOVIE NIGHT

When: Friday night - September 17th at 6:00pm

Congregation MOVIE Night 

Come reflect upon seeing yourself through God’s eyes and find rest in God’s approval, purpose, and eternal hope. Reveal the heart of the God who loves you…more than you can imagine.

We will have two nights scheduled for opportunity to have you watch this movie with us.

 Saturday September 18th at 6:30 pm
Sunday September 19th at 2:00 pm

This movie also has a 28 day journal book that is based upon the premise of the movie. To discuss the journal together, we will also have 3 small group events -ONE a week to help you through the journal book. The Journal is FREE to all who come to watch the movie with us.
The small group event will meet on Sundays at 10:30 am after worship beginning September 26th through October 10th
Lutheran Disaster Response – Give where needed

HUNGER JAR - Each week we collect money in this jar to make a difference in the world through our Outreach efforts. All the funds that we collect from this jar go to help in specific ways throughout the world. These funds will be collected through the end of 2021 and are designated to go directly to the ELCA Disaster Response Fund. All money donated goes 100 percent to the disaster.

Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. These are some of the most recent places the ELCA has made a difference.
U.S. Wildfires                    
Hurricane Response                                             
Middle East Crisis           
Thursday Afternoon Women's Bible Study

Masks are Recommended

  The Women’s Bible Study is tomorrow, September 16th at 1:00 pm.  Come and join us. We always meet at the church on Thursdays at one in the afternoon. We’d love to have you there. To God be the Glory,
Dar Stucke

Breakfast with your Friends and Pastor
Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Southern and Signal Butte Rd)   
See you again next Wednesday, September 22nd at 9:00 am
Next Monthly meeting is September 21
Come gather and share a beer or a beverage and discuss theology. We can try to solve the world’s problems too! We meet on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pmFeel free to bring your own beverage!  Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. 
  Carol and Pastor Tony Sheer 
11133 E. Segura Ave - Mesa, AZ 85212

Prayers –
We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week.

Lorayne Thompson is recuperating at home following brain surger. Please pray for Dave and the family at this time unknowing what the possibilities are for her.

Prayers for Barb Kearns who is recovering from hip surgery. We pray for a speedy recovery.

Prayers for Linda Vandenberg's brother and his wife who have Covid. God be with both of them to help them recover and strengthen their bodies.

 We pray for Pastor’s close friends – Chris Tjon and James Tjon who are both struggling with very aggressive cancers. We pray for comfort and hope for the treatments to work and allow their bodies to heal.

We pray for the health of Jerry Hansen, Mary Greimann, Ron Thomas, Ardis Johnson, Diane Reinhardt, David Thompson, Ethel Robbins, Diane Sanford, Linda Vandenberg, Tom Snodgrass, Marie Renda, Frieda Pyles, Vicky Kuehl, and Kevin Hicks. 

Continue prayers for Debbie Roy close friend, Kim Husebye who was in a major motorcycle accident.

Thank You all for continual prayers and for being a part of such as meaningful and special ministry for so many people.

May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!     AMEN.
September Worship Volunteers
Date    Reader                  Greeters                      

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
9/19 Margaret Anderson  MaryBeth & Brian
9/26 Amy Baker              Dave & Karen
Greeters please arrive at 9:10 am.

When:   Sunday, October 3th 11:30am
Where: Spirit of Hope breezeway
Why: Blessing of the Animals is being observed and celebrated in commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi who is the Patron Saint of animals and the environment, said to be a lover of all creatures.
Please bring your furry, feathered, or scaly pet to be blessed on this special Sunday. We honor the bond between person and pet and church is a place where the bond of creation is celebrated.
Dogs must be leased, cats in a carrier, birds in a cage and fish in water.
Receive a special certificate for your pet!  

Dementia Q & A Group

No matter what stage your loved one is in you have questions and concerns. Join us for a real conversation about cognitive decline, Dementia,
Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Decline. Part support, part insight... All Real. 

Open to Families and Loved Ones
Tuesday’s, 9/21, 10/5, 10/19
4:30 pm- 5:30 pm  

Meeting at
 The Summit at Sunland Springs 2415 S. Signal Butte Rd

             Group Leader, Pam Ostrowski, uses her 14-year dementia journey with her parents to be a Dementia guide helping families accept, prepare for, manage, and cope with the challenges, tasks, and decisions that they’ll have to make in the coming years.
In person and on zoom 

please RSVP to Lori Marsh at [email protected]
(480) 955-1633

SECOND and FOURTH TUESDAY of the month
(September 28)
We will be playing in the narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm

Please contact Diane Thompson at
480-354-7897 to register!  
This Article is from the Grand Canyon Synod
The Seniors Rock ministry at Spirit of Hope, Mesa
Wendy Sontag, with Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church in Mesa, writes to share the good news of their Seniors Rock ministry, which meets every Thursday for a variety of activities.
Read more in this post, and be sure to share your ministry story with us.
Wendy writes:
Senior's Rock meets every Thursday where we do a variety of activities. Other than packing lunches for Grace Lutheran, we've sent items to troops and a woman's shelter in the past.
We made 50 bags for the homeless this past week. In addition to the water bottle, socks, toothpaste, soap, a clean washcloth, and toothbrush, there was also a water bottle to keep.
We will have a free will bake sale in November, and the proceeds will be used to buy new items for the Justa Center. Also, we put up gift tags, where the congregation is awesome and helps out.