2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209

Services: 5:00 pm Saturday and 9:30 am Sunday

November 9, 2022

Pastor's Weekly Article

Click Here

Reflections by Council President

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Financial Report

Click Here

November 11th

Thanks to all of you who have served our country. You are appreciated.

  Fall BBQ

This Saturday, November 12

2 to 4 pm

Just bring a side dish (sign up in the narthex). Meet some new members, visit with friends, and welcome back our winter visitors! See you there!

Help Beautify our

Sanctuary in Honor of

 Our Lord’s Birth 


To make a donation towards the purchase of Poinsettias for this year's Christmas altar, please fill out the form at church, put it along with your donation Into the Poinsettia donation envelope and put in The basket or offering tray. Deadline for making The order this year is

Tuesday, November 29th. Thank you for helping!!

No Bible Study tonight

“ Your Word is Truth” - NEW BIBLE STUDY -

Wednesday evenings – 6:30 pm in the

 church entrance

  Lead by: John Rung 

Bible Study with Pastor Tony

 - Tuesdays, 10:30 am at Spirit of Hope

This Bible study will be on the Epistle Letters and New Testament Books – we are beginning the first book of Thessalonians 


Thursday Afternoon Women's Bible Study

 The Women’s Bible Study meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm at the church, We’d love to have you there.  To God be the Glory, Dar Stucke 

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church

Bring your Bible and your coffee

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 


Thank you so much for everyone’s efforts in collecting items that generates a fun memorable event for the children that need it the most. Your compassion provides the opportunity to reach deprived children and creates a fun heart-warming experience for them.


I’m so grateful each year when I learn your members have chosen the Mesa Police Department to bring joy to the less privileged kids in the community.



Carla McLaren

Mesa Police Dept.

Thanksgiving Dinners 

We will be supplying complete Thanksgiving Dinners for five families at House of Refuge. Please take tags from the tree for the items you would like to furnish. We will need turkeys, instant potatoes, canned green beans, cranberries, pumpkin pies, etc.  

All items must be back by November 18th.

Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week and especially with all Covid, colds and flu cases.


Please continue prayers for Pastor Tony and family. 

Pray for the health of: LaVonne Anderson, Tom Snodgrass, Eleanora Crise-Tomes, Ethel Robbins, Frieda Pyles, Stephanie Skansi. Darlene and Darren Holzipel, Moine Gates, Naomi Hensen, Diane Reinhardt, Ruthie Piasecki and Lois Lorts and Diane Thompson.

Prayers for Duane Gilson's sister having surgery today.  

Prayers of fast healing and recovery for Deborah Snyder's daughter, Jill

Prayers for Donna Miller's friend, Morris in Thailand suffering with cancer.  

Chris Tjon and James Tjon, Curtis Peterson, Matthew Stackoiwak, Mike Tucker Jenna Marley, Joan Gose.

May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!  


SOH Woodworkers

Come join the group and work on different projects for church. We will be meeting on Friday, November 11th at 9:00 am at Torgersen's garage at 2740 S Teakwood Circle in Sunland Springs Village.

All are welcome to be a part of this group.  

Spirit of Hope Lutheran – Grief Support Group

Wednesdays beginning August 31 through November 16

We will be meeting at the church from 6:30- 8:00 pm

For more information please contact Karen at 701-739-2570

Beer and Theology is the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

This is cancelled for this month.  

    Worship Volunteers


Saturday 5:00 PM


Date     Reader                     Greeters   


11-5  Cal Schell               Steve Ostermang

11-12 Jennise Arcuri        Ed/Cathy Walters

11-19  Melody Oliver       Steve Osterman

11-26  Rosemary Brant    Max/Alice Tiede

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sunday 9:30 AM


11-6  John Rung            The Brackens

11-13 Mike Stark            The Zanders

11-20  Marg. Anderson   The Thompsons

11-27  Peg Goetz            The Williams

Greeters: Please be at church by 4:40 pm on Saturday and 9:10 am on Sunday.

Hello everyone, 

If you would like to order an apple crumb pie, i will have a sign up sheet in the narthex. Just sign up and i will make it up. They will be frozen and it is a free will offering. Please if you order one and make a check, please put in the memo for Seniors Rock Apple pies. Thanks. 

Also ready are the horse calendars and we have a few others available. They are $20.00 and again goes to Senior's Rock. Whatever money taken in will go to purchase items for the Justa Center.

In the next few weeks i will be putting up tags on the tree for the Justa Center. Please consider taking one and helping out. Thank you.

Wendy and Senior's Rock

Breakfast with your friends 

Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 at the IHOP Restaurant at

(Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

Happy Birthday to all of you.

November 1    Suzanne Leipf

November  4  Jacqueline Shelbourn

November  4   Dorlene (Dee) Wilson

November  8   Maryls Carlson

November  9   Terry Scheer

November 12   Calvin Schell

November 12   James Pyles

November 13   Ariston Gurrola

November 14   Larry Miller

November 18   Cleo Hansen

November 18   Debbie Zimmerman

November 19   Alfreida Pyles

November 23   Stefani Eisele

November 25   Randy Exsted

November 25   Butch Schleicher

November 27   Allen Thompson

November 30   Shelly Smith

November 30   Bill Lindemann

November 30   Sandy Odmark


Second and Fourth TUESDAY of the month

(November 8th & 22nd)

Church Narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm

Please contact Diane Thompson at

480-354-7897 to register!  Or just show up. We would love to have you.


To provide a donation for Ukraine online, go to: https://community.elca.org/eastern-europe-crisis-response

All funds collected in the HUNGER JAR are designated for the Ukraine refugee program through the ELCA .  

Phone: 480-396-8300

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.spiritofhopelutheran.com

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm