Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm

Thursday Women's Bible Study

Masks are optional

The Thursday Ladies Bible Study is meeting at 1:00 PM on Thursday afternoons in the church narthex. We will continue to use the GATHER Magazine as our resource. 

The summer study is titled “Just L I. F. E. (Liberation For Everyone!)”.  We plan to meet for about six weeks and then take a short recess till after Labor Day. 

We would love to have new people join our group. Maybe give it a try this summer and see what you think. Certainly we will welcome anybody and everybody who would like to join us.
To God be the Glory! 
Dar Stucke

SECOND and FOURTH TUESDAY of the month (August 10 & 24th)

 We will be playing in the narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm

Please contact Diane Thompson at 480-354-7897 to register! 
Nite Lite

Watch for future dates

We would like to invite everyone to our next New Member Course occurring on August 12, 2021 at 6:30pm. This orientation meeting will take place in the church sanctuary and will last about two hours.
This will be a chance to get to know others that will be joining along with you!  Later in August during a worship service we will be acknowledging those of you that have made the decision to become a part of our church family! If you are already a member and want to know more about your church please come!  

If you have any questions concerning your new membership, please call me anytime!
Morning Bible Study

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church
Bring your Bible and your coffee

Church Council Meeting

Thursday, August 12th at 6:00 pm

All are welcome to attend


 The Altar Guild is a group of laypersons in a congregation who maintain the ceremonial objects used in worship. This committee is a hands-on ministry that cares for the altar, vestments, sacred vessels and linens of the church.
Altar Guild members work behind the scenes to prepare for and clean up after services including the Eucharist, baptisms, funerals, and weddings.
We are currently working to train new people who are interested in serving the congregation in this very special and sacred way. Please contact Linda Wilcox for more information: 480-257-3441 or call the church office.

Breakfast with your Friends and Pastor
Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the IHOP Restaurant at 10662 E. Southern Avenue. (Southern and Signal Butte Road.)
This is a great time for fellowship and getting to know everyone. You order and pay for your own breakfast. Food and conversation makes everything better, right???  
See you again next Wednesday, August 18th at 9 am. 
Next Monthly meeting is August 17

The NEW monthly small group in my home . . . . where we gather to share a beer or a beverage and discuss theology. Any type of theology. We can try to solve the world’s problems too! Let’s begin this conversation on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pm. Next gathering is July 20th. Feel free to bring your own beverage! 
 Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. 

  Carol and Pastor Tony Sheer 
11133 E. Segura Ave - Mesa, AZ 85212
 (cross roads are Signal Butte and Warner)

Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week.

Please pray for Pastor Tony and Carol and the whole family that they can have the peace and comfort that only God can give.  Also prayers for Pastor's dog who is now blind and recovering from surgery.  Lord, help us to be a blessing when and where Pastor and Carol might need us.

 We pray for Pastor’s close friends – Chris Tjon and James Tjon who are both struggling with very aggressive cancers. We pray for comfort and hope for the treatments to work and allow their bodies to heal.

Jerry Hansen who is recovering at home now. Bless Dorothy and her family during this stressful time in their lives.

Amber Schleicher’s fiancé, Harry, continues to have complications due to diabetes. His feet are in severe condition and needed attention. We pray for quick healing!

We pray for the family of Garrett Von Rooy who passed away this past week from Covid. Lord give his wife and two kids your comfort.

We pray for the health of Mary Greimann. Sue Irwin, Ron Thomas, Ardis Johnson, Diane Reinhardt, David Thompson, Ethel Robbins, Diane Sanford, Linda Vandenberg, Tom Snodgrass, Marie Renda. Linda Basler, Frieda Pyles, Vicky Kuehl, Kevin Hicks, Marilyn Flood, Darlene Holzapfel.

Continue prayers for Debbie Roy close friend, Kim Husebye who was in a major motorcycle accident.

Thank You all for continual prayers and for being a part of such as meaningful and special ministry for so many people.

We pray for the spouses and families of those church members who have passed into the church triumphant this year. WE pray for Kianda Addo in the loss of her brother.  We also pray for Barb and Bill Muth who have lost their son, Scott Muth

May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!     AMEN.
Join us for Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Group
1st Thursday of the Month at 10 am at
The Summit at Sunland Springs- Assisted Living.
Led by Hospice of the West and Social Worker Lisa S (602) 343-6422
RSVP Not Required
Please check in for COVID screening at the Memory Care Lobby. Masks are required.
All are welcome!
Volunteers for August Worship Services
Date    Reader              Greeter                          
8/7       Rosemary Brant   
8/14   Jennise Arcuri
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8/1   Peg Goetz        Debbie Traynor
8/8  Amy Bakker       Art & Crystal 
8/15  Margaret            MaryBeth/Brian
         Anderson           Bracken
8/22  Roger Hanson    Debbie Kravic
8/29 Linda Wilcox Allen/Diane Thompson
This Article is from the Grand Canyon Synod

The Seniors Rock ministry at Spirit of Hope, Mesa

Wendy Sontag, with Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church in Mesa, writes to share the good news of their Seniors Rock ministry, which meets every Thursday for a variety of activities.
Read more in this post, and be sure to share your ministry story with us.
Wendy writes:
Senior's Rock meets every Thursday where we do a variety of activities. Other than packing lunches for Grace Lutheran, we've sent items to troops and a woman's shelter in the past.
We made 50 bags for the homeless this past week. In addition to the water bottle, socks, toothpaste, soap, a clean washcloth, and toothbrush, there was also a water bottle to keep.
We will have a free will bake sale in November, and the proceeds will be used to buy new items for the Justa Center. Also, we put up gift tags, where the congregation is awesome and helps out.

His Ways, A Refuge

It's good to live in comfort.
It's good to live in peace.
It's good to live on the promises
Of God's securities.
God offers us His comfort.
His path will give us rest.
He says we are His children.
His ways for us are best.
God's plans provide a future;
A constant ray of hope
That we will someday have a spot
Sitting at His throne.
God' is our firm foundation;
A blessed life to bear.
His ways are pure and priceless.
I want to live life there.

Author Lucinda Berry Hill