Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm
Council News

Changing of the guard.
At our annual meeting on February 6th, both Karen and I were reelected for another 3-year term on Council. Thank you again for honoring us with the opportunity to serve. Karen has been our VP and I have been president for 3 years. Per our constitution, we are due for a new VP and President. At the last council meeting Rosemary Brant accepted a nomination for President, and Diane Thompson will be our Vice president, Barb Kearns will continue as secretary and Mary Beth Bracken continues as our Treasurer/Finance Secretary. I know everyone is extremely grateful for both Rosemary and Diane. Both have been on council for 2 years now and have been vital to all our decision making on council. I am excited about the future of SOH with the council leadership we have.
I got home Thursday night after the meeting feeling very relaxed. It was not because I was no longer council president, but because God has been working in our church so much in the last few years, and I am seeing that continue with this change. I feel God led Karen and I to be leaders on Council just as the world fell apart around us. I genuinely believe God had placed us at SOH to manage this challenge. Now that we are nearing the end of the challenge, he has asked Rosemary to step up and lead us into the next phase of our growth. I feel she is the perfect person to take the reigns at this point. She is much more of a people person and has great ideas to grow our church.

Rosemary is a leader that will continue the growth and on the path that God has planned for us. Please pray for Rosemary and Diane as you prayed for Karen and I. We are looking forward to being a part of council and helping Rosemary carry out our mission to make Christ known!
Duane Gilson

At our retreat /meeting in March, liaisons to the respective ministry teams will be appointed from our remaining council members: Phil Troiano, Butch Schleicher, Karen Torgersen and Duane Gilson

 Thank You!
 Thank You!
Thank You for your years of servanthood in the church!
We would like to extend a word of thanks to two very special people who have been a HUGE part of our leadership team for many years and have passed the torch to others. 

Please say thank you to these very special people who have worked for many years to assure ministry occurs within this place called Spirit of Hope! Thank You!  

Spirit Of Hope Youth Cordially invite you to The 2022 Spaghetti Dinner

When: Saturday, March 12 – following the 5 PM service

The evening will feature auctions, raffles and All You
  Care To Eat Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs,
  Salad and Dessert

More information to follow!
All proceeds benefit the Youth as they plan for future events.

If you were one who dropped off several games to the Rummage Sale, including a Scrabble Game, we found a wonderful surprise! Inside the game was an Iphone. 
If you have been missing your telephone and enjoy playing Scrabble, this might just be yours. Please come to the church office to claim your phone!  


Join this group on Tuesday morning, February 22nd at 10 am in the garage of Dave Torgersen at 2740 S Teakwood Circle in Sunland Springs Village.

Coffee and a treat will be served!!
Dave Torgersen - 480-219-9343
Nite Lite

To be announced

All school age kids welcome
Bring a friend or two

Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week and especially with all Covid, colds and flu cases.
We pray for the health of: LaVonne Anderson, Tom Snodgrass, Eleanora Crise-Tomes, Mary Greimann, Ethel Robbins, Marie Renda, Frieda Pyles, Kevin Hicks, Stephanie Skansi, Darlene and Darren Holzipel, Moine Gates, Margaret Anderson, Dick Schultz, LeAnne Strand, Don and Cleo Hansen.
Chris Tjon and James Tjon, Bob Anderson, Tammy Martinson, Curtis Peterson, Lois Lorts,  Jenna Marley, and Rose Marie Zobel
May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!    AMEN.

Next Monthly meeting is March 15th
Come gather and share a beer or a beverage and discuss theology. We can try to solve the world’s problems too! We meet on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pmFeel free to bring your own beverage!  Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. 
  Carol and Pastor Tony Scheer 
11133 E. Segura Ave - Mesa, AZ 85212

         Worship Volunteers
Date     Reader                     Greeters                        
2/5     Rosemary Brant     Joyce Seabaugh
2/12                                   Wendy Sontag
2/20  Bobbi Edwardson    Max/Alice Tiede
2/26  Jennise Arcuri        Max/Alice Tiede
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2-6    Ardis Johnson         Tina Gilson
2/13  Phil Troiano             Eric & Jacquiline
2/20  Margaret Anderson  Hans & Diane
2/27 Mike Stark                John Rung &
                                          Vicki Camacho

Greeters: Please be at church by 9:10.

February Birthdays

Terry Williams           1
Mary Berge                3
Al Voss                      9
Terry Heckman         12
Delores Burchill       15
Karen Gowan         15
Sam Small             15
Dianne Sanford       16
Bob Brysaas             16
Joanne Trapp          22
Pat Eggen                22
Glen Boysen            24
Ron Smith                26
Ruthie Piasecki       27

Second and Fourth TUESDAY of the month
(February 8th and 22nd)

Church Narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm
Please contact Diane Thompson at 480-354-7897 to register!  

Breakfast with your Friends and Pastor
Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Southern and Signal Butte Rd)   
See you again next Wednesday, February 23rd at 9:00 am

Lent begins this year on March 2nd with ASH WEDNESDAY service at 6:30pm. 

We will be also having our Soup Dinners each night beginning at 5:45pm! Please contact the church office if you are interested in bringing one of your favorite soups to share!
We will be using HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER as our liturgical worship for Mid-Week Lenten Services 

Beginning ASH WEDNESDAY – March 2, we will be designating all funds from the HUNGER JAR to be given to this drive. Please support the ELCA World Hunger Program!  

This Lent you're invited to journey into the wilderness with us and God. Together with fellow supporters you will pledge to work to end hunger during ELCA World Hungers 40 days of giving.

For nearly two years, as the world has reeled from the effects of a deadly pandemic, we have seen the number of hungry people around the world rise sharply, watched as food pantries and soup kitchens expanded to serve an ever-growing number of guests, and longed together in hope for a just world where all are fed.

This very yearning lies at the heart of who we are as church together. Yet our longing has not led to inertia nor despair, despite the discouraging forecasts.

We are an Easter people, clinging to the promise of God: I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19)
Dementia Q & A Group - Part support, Part insight= All Real 

Tuesday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm at The Summit

Ask me about our Outpatient Memory Clinic 
Lori Marsh, Marketing Director

The Summit at Sunland Springs Assisted Living & Memory Care
Memory Clinic at The Summit
2415 S. Signal Butte Rd. Mesa, AZ 85209
Cell 480.955-1633  

 Beginning WEDNESDAY - March 9th 2022 -MidWeek LENTEN WORSHIP SERVICES at 6:30pm
Pastor Tony’s weekly message will include A 7 week series exploring the basic question:  WHY CHRISTIANITY?
More than ever people today are inquiring questions of faith. Most seekers are only half familiar with superficial aspects of Christianity, hopeful of there being greater depth than has been found so far in our community. If you are curious, insistent, looking for something to believe in but not ready to leap without good reason, this worship series is for YOU! So, "Why be Christian?”....come and find out!
Throughout this worship series we will be confronting religious questions and wrestle with the of basic Christian convictions about Jesus and God, about religious belief and the human condition of sin, about inauthentic forms of Christianity, about what is missing in human life today.
Using Douglas John Hall’s accessible and straightforward book “Why Christianity? For those on the edges of faith,  we will confront the following questions in this 7 week series:
1. Why Christian?
2. Why Jesus?
3. Saved from What? For What?
4. But How?
5. What's the Difference?
6. Why Church? And by the Way, What about "the Others"?
7. Is There Any Hope?
"It's that kind of doubting faith--or faithful doubt--that I want to dialogue with here. I think I understand it. It's where I live too, most of the time." --Douglas John Hall from the “Why Christianity? For those on the edges of faith
Did you know the Lions Club collects old eyeglasses and hearing aids which are of great use to people all over the world? They are sorted, cleaned and given out to people locally in Mexico and ship to other countries. We have a box on the counter in the narthex by the Information Booth.

Please drop off your used items to be of benefit to others. Thank you from the Lions Club. "We Serve" Any questions please contact Lions Dave & Karen Torgersen at 480-219-9343.