2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209

Services: 5:00 pm Saturday

9:30 am Sunday

October 4, 2023

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12pm. Wednesday 9-12pm & Thursday 11-1:00pm

Pastor's Weekly Article

Click Here

Reflections by Council President

Click Here

Financial Report

Click Here

Monthly Calendar  Click Here


The Shoe Box Ministry has started.  Please pick up a shoe box or two at church and put your name on the list showing which boxes you took.  

The filled boxes must be back to church by October 29.  The boxes have the boys' or girls' ages on the top and the list of needed items will be in the inside. 

Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues.

Pray for the health of: Donna Miller, Linda Miner, Pastor Jim Eschenbacher, Frieda, Ruthie, Mike, Linda and Ken, Lois.


Lord, guide all who are struggling this week with loss and grief.

Help us be angels that shine the Light oi Christ upon them giving encouragement as they need. Amen

  • To be added to the public prayer concerns list, contact prayerteam@spiritofhopelutheran.com. If you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list, please obtain their consent first.

  • If you are ill, someone is hospitalized, or there is a death, call the Spirit of Hope Office at 480-396-8300. If it is outside of Office Hours, contact Pastor at 909-435-5200.

  • Names will be removed from the prayer list after three weeks. If you want to go back on the prayer list, please contact the church office or email to prayerteam@spiritofhopelutheran.com.

Brunch for Pastor Tony

All are welcome to come and say your goodbyes to Pastor Tony on October 15th following the worship service. A brunch will be served.

Sign up your dish on the list on the info desk in the narthex.

Trunk or Treat at Spirit of Hope

When: Friday, October 20

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Trunk or Treat provides a safe environment for families to enjoy an inexpensive evening of Halloween fun in a festival atmosphere!!

We will have games, bounce house, arts and crafts for kids. We will also have some food and drinks available for a small donation. Tell your neighbors, friends and relatives.

Decorate your trunk and share treats with the kids. Sign up in the Narthex at the info booth.

In an effort to make this transition time as easy as possible, the Synod has requested that we publish the document below. It was edited only to add name and dates. It is an effort to keep us all “on the same page”.


Dear Congregation,

Pastor Tony Scheer’s last day at our congregation October 15, 2023. As we engage in the time of transition ahead of us, we ask that you read and reflect on the information below.

These agreements are important as we all move forward into the future. They reflect the healthiest practice in Congregation ministry and will serve both us and our departing minister as we continue to be the body of Christ in this world.

The Church Council and former Pastor Tony Scheer have agreed to the following, and seek your cooperation, regarding the positive future relationships among us:

We will do everything possible to uphold the mission of the Church and the positive quality of life in this congregation.

We will recognize the need for time to adjust to the new relationships, and will reach out in care and compassion to one another.

We will honor the departure of the former pastor so duties may be relinquished; and will honor the arrival of the new pastor by seeking her/his/their counsel and ministry. We are aware that conducting pastoral acts (such as baptism, weddings, funerals, confirmations, communions) and defining ministry programs and leadership styles are no longer the prerogative of the departing pastor, but belong to the arriving rostered minister with the Council and congregation.

While we recognize that the departing rostered minister will continue to be our friend, we will not seek, nor will the pastor accept, official roles in the congregation for “pastoral acts.” They may be included in the invitation list to attend as friends, if schedules and logistics permit.

Experience across the Church has shown that continuing relationships with former pastor is very positive when the above things are kept in mind.


In Christ,

Spirit of Hope Church Council

November 4th Craft Show has been cancelled for this year.

TUESDAYS – 10:30am in the large classroom

Lead by Pastor Tony Scheer


 The TORAH is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

The Torah consists of the origin of Jewish peoplehood: their call into being by God, their trials and tribulations, and their covenant with their God, which involves following a way of life embodied in a set of moral and religious obligations and civil laws.

Women's Thursday Afternoon Bible Study

The Thursday Women’s Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 1:00 PM in the church classroom. We will continue our study from the Gather Magazine.

New members are always most welcome as together we grow in God’s GRACE and LOVE. 

Dar Stucke

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church. Bring your Bible and your coffee

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 

Worship Volunteers


Saturday 5:00 PM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        

10-07 Daryl Wilton        The Wilkens

10-14 Melody Oliver     Steffi Eisle

10-21 Cal Schell            Craig Thomas

10-28  Nancy Collins      Craig Thomas       


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sunday 9:30 AM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        

10-01 Mike Stark            The Jacobsens

10-08 John Rung            The Hansens

10-15   Margaret Anderson  Thompsons

10-22  Dar Stucke            The Smalls

10-29  Jorja Shelbourn    The Shelbourns



Greeters: Please be at church by 4:30 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday.

Breakfast with your friends 

on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

October 6    Jody Bock

October 6    Ken Vandenberg

October 16   Shirley Hofer

October 16   Lee Strand

October 17   Paula Slone

October 21   Chris Klick

October 22   Vicki Camacho

October 25   Diane Reinhardt

October 23   Mary Myer

October 26   Diane Thompson

On walk day

Registration @8AM

Bob and I have a team:  J&B East Mesa Trekkers

Information tables about hearing loss


Kids Area with Bounce house, children’s activities

Silent Auction

Walk starts @10:00AM November 4

(5K/3.1 miles)

Ice Cream Truck

I am the chair for the silent auction if anyone would have anything that they would like to donate to the silent auction.

They may contact me:  joazgal2@gmail.com

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Phone: 480-396-8300

Email: admin@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Email: president@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Website: www.spiritofhopelutheran.com

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12pm. Wednesday 9-12pm & Thursday 11-1:00pm