Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm


Begins on December 5th at 5:00pm 

Welcome to our friends and family at the Summit

Our Spirit of Hope weekly newsletter will be distributed at the Summit each week and help share the love of Christ with all who read our articles. We have added a few messages from our small groups such as the Seniors Rock group and the Women’s Afternoon Bible Study. Special thanks to Wendy and Dar for your input each week!    We invite those of you to attend any event you might be interested in here at Spirit of Hope! We look forward to meeting more of you!  

Operation Christmas Cards

We have a new project going on. Everyone can help even if you didn't make your way back to Mesa, We are calling it Operation Christmas Cards

The Summit Assisted living and Memory Care can use some cheering up. So I would love for everyone to make one or two or as many as you like Christmas Cards to be handed out to all the residents. We do not know their names but please sign yours.

Pastor Tony will deliver them by the 17th of December. You can have your children or grandchildren help out. This would be an awesome way for them to give back.
Why Advent?
Saturday Advent Children’s Message

Beginning on Saturday December 5th at 10:00am at the church AND live on FACEBOOK ( Spirit of Hope Lutheran)
Pastor’s message will be about 15 minutes long and include prayer, devotion and singing! Come join us !  We will meet weekly through December 19th!  
Christmas Eve
Services 2020 

This year’s services will both be candlelight.
The services will be at  4:30pm and 6:30pm 
Note From Wendy/Senior's Rock

Welcome Our Friends From The SUMMIT !!

My name is Wendy. I am from Spirit of Hope. I have a group that meets once a week called Senior's Rock. We have not been able to meet because of the Covid. But that does not stop us with helping others. Right now we are collecting household items for a place called the Justa Center. The Justa centers helps Seniors and Vets get into housing. These are folks that have been down on there luck. So this is where you can help out. You can write a letter of encouragement to them. The letter will be given to them when they are going to there new place to live. I think it would uplift there spirits on so many levels. They help so many people so you can write one letter each or as many as you like. Contact the church office for more information. 480-396-8300.

Seniors Rock Fundraiser

Seniors Rock is having a Fundraiser for the Justa Center in Mesa by selling Professional 2021 Calendars being sold at $15.00 each. All proceeds go to the Justa Center.

These calendars picture the Lower Salt River Wild Horses. Our own SOH members, Wendy Sontag and Rich Biesterfeld, a professional photographer have made these calendars with many beautiful pictures of the horses. They are available for purchase following Sunday services or you can call the church office to order a calendar.

A note from the Justa Center loves how we keep on giving and want to thank all of you for helping with their seniors.

Tags are hung on the tree in the narthex. What we are looking for are:

Comforters Twin or Full
Pots and Pans
Crock Pot
Shower curtain with liner & hooks Twin sheet sets
Kitchen Utensils
Kitchen linens
Amazon Gift Cards.
Thank you from
Seniors Rock

Spirit of Hope Lutheran is now a participant in the AA program by providing meeting space for several weekly meeting times:      

Sunday 7:00pm          Monday 7:00pm        Thursday 7:00pm


Coffee with the Pastor – ONLINE    
Every Wednesday at 9:00 am
You are invited to join me on a ZOOM call… this is how you do this. Open your internet browser, Copy and paste the link below into the address line. We will go live starting at 9:00 am

or call into the meeting, using your phone to one of the following numbers:
Please add – phone numbers =   1-346-248-7799
When prompted add the following information: Meeting ID: 640 106 1099

Grocery cards

It’s that time of year again where we find many people in our community that are without the basics to get through the holiday season. If you are able please pick up a few cash cards and bring them to Pastor Tony to distribute as needed.  
A Word from the Women's Bible Study

By Dar Stucke

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your HOPE on the grace to be brought to you when Christ Jesus is revealed at his coming. 1 Peter 1:13

Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember the one Christmas gift you hoped for most of all?  Maybe it was a doll, a bike, new skates, a sled, or even a puppy. Regardless of what it was, do you remember how much you wanted that one thing? When we really HOPE for something, we think about it, dream about it and watch for it with expectation. Everything we do and see reminds us of our heart’s desire. That’s what this season of Advent is all about. It can be summed up in expectant waiting. Not waiting for stuff, but waiting for a person. And this kind of waiting is not passive but rather active as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus into our world.

Your desires have probably changed considerably since you hoped for that something special under the Christmas tree. But that familiar longing returns each year as we look to the gift of HOPE in Jesus, past, present, and future. The first candle we lit on the Advent wreath last Sunday was the candle of HOPE. Our “hope-so” has become a “know-so.” We know that Jesus came to earth and as Peter says in our verse, we set our HOPE on the grace that will be ours when Jesus comes again.

HOPE is central to our survival as human beings. When we lose all HOPE, our lives lose meaning and purpose. And above all, HOPE is central to our faith as Christians. Advent is not just about waiting for Christmas. It is also about waiting for the rest of the story, Jesus second coming to earth. This HOPE is based on the sure promises of God and fulfilled in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. So we look forward to celebrating Christmas, Jesus birth on earth, but we also look forward to and trust in the completion of our HOPE at His second coming.

Come, Lord Jesus, and help me to prepare my heart in the right way for Your coming into the world. Amen

Prayers –

We pray for the spouses and families of those church members who have passed into the church triumphant this past month.

Prayers for rhe family of Brigette Seman, the mother of Cathy Walters *Eddie walters).

Prayers for Debbie Zimmerman and for the family of Robert Henry (Triicycle Bob) on their loss.

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week.

Please keep Larry Wilox, Butch Schleiher, Alice Lundquist, Barb Kearns, Frieda Pyles, Vicky Kuehl, Kevin Hicks and Marilyn Flood.

Prayers for Bonnie Gunderson's brother, Dwight MacMonagle,fighting the corona virus and Hodgkins.

May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!


direct aA word from our Financial Secretary
How can members remain faithful in their giving responsibility and thus continue to invest in and fund the continued mission and ministry of our
1.  Continue giving weekly through your personal banking
online bill payservice.
2.  Use the Spirit of Hope online giving option at:
3.  Use the Spirit of Hope texting option at (480) 725-1140.
4.  Send your donation through the U.S. Postal Service at:
  • 2605 S. Signal Butte Rd., Mesa, AZ 85209.
If you need help with setting up or amending your current offering, please reach
out to our Financial Secretary, Kianda Addo (

Fry's Community Rewards

Did you know you can support nonprofit organizations in your community just by shopping at Fry's? It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards. To get started, sign up with your V.I.P. Card and select Spirit of Hope as the local organization you wish to support. Once you're enrolled, you'll earn rewards for your church every time you shop and use your V.I.P. card.
SOH Organization number is 80606

Home Communion

If you are an at risk member who would like to have the Pastor bring Holy Communion to your home, please call the church office (480-396-8300) and request / schedule a home communion visit. Pastor Tony will bring communion wearing a mask, medical gloves, and practicing social distancing. If it is a nice day, perhaps we can be outside.