2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209

Services: 5:00 pm Saturday

9:30 am Sunday

May 17, 2023

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12pm. Wednesday 9-12pm & Thursday 11-1:00pm

Pastor's Weekly Article

Click Here

Reflections by Council President

Click Here

Financial Report

Click Here

Monthly Calendar  Click Here

Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week and especially with all Covid, colds and flu cases.


Pray for the health of:  Phil, Daryl, Addy, Brian, Kaden, Ardis. Frieda, Ruthie, Lois, Mike, Linda and Ken

Prayers for Joe, Matthew

Prayers for the families of Moine Gates, Jeanette Bailey and Naomi Henson who passed these past weeks. Give comfort and strength to the families.


Lord, guide all who are struggling this week with loss and grief during the holidays. Help us be angels that shine the Light oi Christ upon them giving encouragement as they need. Amen


Confirmation Sunday 

May 28th at the 9:30

worship service

The following youth will be affirming their baptism that morning.

Lindsay Marie French

Addyson Meaghan Prada

Jorja Kathleen Shelbourn

Please share in congratulating these young people in this wonderful milestone in their lives. 


Outreach and Senior’s Rock are combining their love for Jesus by reaching out to the Men’s Homeless Shelter. They will be providing sack lunches once a week for approximately100 men. They will be needing donations of bread, jam, peanut butter, snack bars, fruit and snack packs of chips.


They will be providing lunches throughout the summer months of June, July and August. Your help is greatly appreciated. God’s blessings to all.


Outreach will also plan to meet on May 21st to shore up the plans for the upcoming Fall Craft Show. We will meet after church that Sunday. 


Revelation Bible Study  -

Tuesday Mornings at 10:30am .    


At Spirit of Hope Lutheran or on ZOOM live. See the link below!  


As a guide, we will be using a text book called “Revelation and the End of All Things,” written by Rev. Craig R. Koester who is the Professor of New Testament studies at Luther Seminary (ELCA).

ELCA Pastor, Mark Allan Powell, writes that “In a sense, to “interpret” this book is to misinterpret it, for often the appeal is to the imagination; it’s a book to be experienced, not explained.” Come, experience the Book of Revelation with us! 

For questions contact Pastor Tony Scheer – 909-435-5200

  Thursday Afternoon Women's Bible Study

 The Women’s Bible Study meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm at the church, We’d love to have you there.  To God be the Glory, Dar Stucke 

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church

Bring your Bible and your coffee

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 

Beer and Theology is the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.


Pastor's home at 11133 E Segura Ave.

     Worship Volunteers


Saturday 5:00 PM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        

 5-6  Rosemary Brant      

5-13  Melody Oliver          Max/Alice Tiede

 5-20  Debbie Zimmerman 

 5-27  Cal Schell   Craig Thomas             


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday 9:30 AM


 5-7 John Rung              The Williams

5-14 Peg Goetz              The Hansens

5-21 Margaret Anderson The Brackens

4-28 Linda Wilcox            The Thompsons



Greeters: Please be at church by 4:40 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday.

Congratulations to James Shelbourn - James is graduating from Benjamin Franklin High School in Queen Creek on Thursday, May 25th, 2023 .. There is limited seating so the graduation will be live streamed. 

There will be a reception open to the congregation in their home on Saturday, May 27th, 2023 from 12:00pm until 10:00pm. All are welcome to stop by and congratulate James! 

James has enlisted in the Arizona National Guard. He will attend basic training in July, then attend advanced Individual training, returning home in February.  James will be attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff upon his return.  

Donations in the Hunger Jar will be sent to help the widows and orphans at the border in Ukraine through July. More info to come.

Steve Gross Graduates

Going back to school as an adult is NOT easy! But Saturday Service/Soundboard Technician has done just that. Steve graduated on April 30 from Grand Canyon University with a BA in Communications. Congratulations, Steve! We are excited for you and so proud of your accomplishments! May you be blessed in your future endeavors!

 May 1    Addyson Prada

May 5    Jorja Shelbourn

May 5    Bobbie Wiles

May 8     Art Zander

May 11   Jurian Gurrola

May 11   Jo Frazier

May 12   Joseff Perrault-Spaulding

May 16   Kathy Lazarick

May 18   Linda Miner

May 18 Allora Coffland

May 19   John Janezic

May 20   Judy Lynne

May 26   Debra Krikorian

May 28   Tony Scheer

May 29   Dar Stucke

May 29   Alice Tiede

May 31   Marie Renda


Breakfast with your friends 

Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at the IHOP Restaurant at

(Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

Join in the discussion! Dementia & Alzheimer’s Resource Group focuses on providing resources to care partners and support through the journey of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Experienced leaders Pauline Borkowski and Julie Ortiz offer perspectives and clinical insight in navigating the stages you may be experiencing with a loved on.

In person meeting times continue with the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 pm at The Summit at Sunland Springs Multipurpose room. 

New topics each meeting!


Open to Families and Loved Ones

1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month

5:30 pm- 6:30 pm

Questions/ Feedback?

Reach out to Lori Marsh, Outreach Director

(480) 955-1633 Lori@thesummitaz.com

Phone: 480-396-8300

Email: admin@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Email: president@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Website: www.spiritofhopelutheran.com

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12pm. Wednesday 9-12pm & Thursday 11-1:00pm