Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm
Holiday Worship Schedule
December 24th - Friday - Candlelight Services : 4:30pm and 6:30pm
December 25th Saturday - NO SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICES
December 26th - Sunday - Regular 9:30am service
January 1 – Saturday - NO SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE
January 2 - Sunday - Regular 9:30am services
All donations to Spirit of Hope must be in the office by Tuesday, December 28th in order to be recorded before the end of the year. Thank you.
Pastor on Vacation - Pastor Tony and Carol will be on vacation to Southern California and visit their family beginning on December 25th through January 7th. Tina Gilson will fill in to share the Gospel with you in his absence. Pastor Roger Hanon will preside over the Holy Communion at those services. Please pray for safe travels while they are away.
Greetings to all.
The Justa Center is one of the nation's only day-resource center for homeless seniors . They have helped veterans and seniors get housing. Additionally, they receive meals, assistance in applying for benefits, and other forms of assistance.
I am once again asking for your assistance. There are tags on the tree, so please grab one. The items will be picked up after New Years, but you can drop them off any time. I would like to thank each and every one of you.
Wendy and Senior's Rock
Let’s keep the reason for the season alive by giving a gift that makes a difference around the world. The ELCA has a wonderful program called “ELCA – Good Gifts”
Instead of giving a gift that you don’t know if someone needs, give in their name a gift to someone who IS in need on the other side of the globe. Through this program you can purchase: a farm animal for a needy family, access to clean water, healthcare and medicine, or even mosquito nets to prevent disease.
You can present a donation card to your loved one stating that they have become a part of making a difference in someone else’s life. To participate in this program go to:
Newsletter ponder: Brain cells die. Skin cells die. Even hair cells die. But FAT cells must have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior because they seem to have eternal life.
Join this group on Tuesday morning, January 11th at 10 am. Click on the button below for directions.
No experience is necessary to join this group. Come and have some fun.
Coffee and a treat will be served!!
Dave Torgersen - 480-219-9343
Nite Lite
January 5th at 6:00 pm
All school age kids welcome
Bring a friend or two
It’s that time of year again where there is a need for gift cards to provide for the families in our community that are in need around the holidays. Please consider purchasing some gift cards in the amount of $25 to $50 to the local grocery and gas stations and bring them to the church office. Thank you.
Prayers –
Please pray for Jorja Shelborn, confirmation student, who is currently hospitalized because of severe flu symptoms. She does not have Covid, but here blood platelets are extremely low and she needed a platelet transfusion. She is at Phoenix Children’s hospital and hoping to come home in the next few days.
We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week.
We pray for the health of: Bonnie Ostermann, Tom Snodgrass, Lloyd Stucke, Eleanora Crise-Tomes, Lorayne and Dave Thompson, Mary Greimann, Ron Thomas, Ardis Johnson, Ethel Robbins, Linda Vandenberg, Marie Renda, Frieda Pyles, Vicky Kuehl, Kevin Hicks Stephanie Skansi, Darlene and Darren Holzipel, and Kim Husebye.
We pray for Pastor’s close friends – Chris Tjon and James Tjon.
Thank You all for continual prayers and for being a part of such as meaningful and special ministry for so many people.
May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life! AMEN.
Caroling We Will Go!
Calling all singers!
On Sunday, December 19th we will meet in the church parking lot at 1:00pm to visit our shut-ins and a few assisted living centers. Please come and share the cheer of the Holidays!
Next Monthly meeting is December 21st
Come gather and share a beer or a beverage and discuss theology. We can try to solve the world’s problems too! We meet on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring your own beverage! Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair.
Carol and Pastor Tony Scheer
11133 E. Segura Ave - Mesa, AZ 85212
December Worship Volunteers
Date Reader Greeters
12/11 Rosemary Brant
12/18 Duane Gilson
12/24 Linda Wilcox 4:30 pm service
12/24 Mike Stark 6:30 Pm service
Phil Troiano will be in charge of Ushers &
Greeters for both services
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
12/12 Peg Goetz Art & Crystal
12/19 Margaret Anderson Mary Beth & Brian
Greeters please be at church by 9:00 am.
Now is the time!
The ELCA National Youth Gathering is being held in Minneapolis, Minnesota
on July 23-28, 2022
Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. We are currently registering our youth and will let you know how many will be participating! Cost per participant will be about $1400. In the next months we will be having a number of fund-raising events to help offset the cost for each family.
If you would like to sponsor a child or make a donation please see Pastor Tony or place the gift in the offering plate. Thank You for your support!
Each Sunday the youth are continuing to sell collectibles at a table in the narthex. The funds collected from this drive goes toward the cost of each youth attending the National Youth Gathering in July of 2022. Come and support the YOUTH of your church! Thank You!
Second and Fourth TUESDAY of the month
(December 14th and 28th)
Church Narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm
Please contact Diane Thompson at 480-354-7897 to register!
Did you know that we have a private Facebook page for Spirit of Hope? We post interesting articles, the newsletter, good things happening at church, pictures fromevents, plus members can post on the page as well! Membership is for SOH members only. If you are not already a member, please search on Facebook for Spirit of Hope (Not the public page called Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church), and ask to be added. A moderator will add you within a day or two.
The Rummage Sale is BACK! We want your STUFF and your TIME!
We are planning to hold the rummage sale on Friday, February 4th, 2022. Setup will begin on Monday, January 31. Drop off of your items for the sale will be between 9 and 3 PM and 5 and 7 PM Monday through Wednesday. We will need LOTS of volunteers. If you can assist a few hours or a few days, we'd love to have you. Sign up sheets will be posted soon.
Breakfast with your Friends and Pastor
Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Southern and Signal Butte Rd)
See you again next Wednesday, December 22nd at 9:00 am
Ask me about our Outpatient Memory Clinic
Lori Marsh, Marketing Director
The Summit at Sunland Springs Assisted Living & Memory Care
Memory Clinic at The Summit
2415 S. Signal Butte Rd. Mesa, AZ 85209
Cell 480.955-1633
Lutheran Disaster Response – Give where needed
HUNGER JAR - Each week we collect money in this jar to make a difference in the world through our Outreach efforts. All the funds that we collect from this jar go to help in specific ways throughout the world. These funds will be collected through the end of 2021 and are designated to go directly to the ELCA Disaster Response Fund. All money donated goes 100 percent to the disaster. Remember our victims in Kentucky.