Phone: 480-396-8300
Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 1:00 pm
Lenten Service tonight at 6:30 pm
Soup Supper at 5:45 pm
Sign up to bring a soup for the next week.
Crisis in Ukraine
Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying companion churches in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, as well as the Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. Presiding Bishop Eaton has joined other religious leaders from Europe and around the globe in issuing an interfaith call for peace in the region.
Our prayers abound for the loss and devastation experienced in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
PLEASE GIVE online at or put an envelope in the offering plate marked, "Eastern Europe Crisis Response".
Spirit Of Hope Youth Cordially invite you to The 2022 Spaghetti Dinner
When: Saturday, March 12 – following the 5 PM service
The evening will feature auctions, raffles and All You Care To Eat Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs, Salad and Dessert
All proceeds benefit the Youth as they plan for future events. Purchase your ticket at church this weekend which helps us plan how much food to fix. It is a freewill donation.
Spirit of Hope Choir is singing again and we want you to join with us in song!!
Practice is happening on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am before services.
Any questions, please call Karen Torgersen, 480-219-9343 or Gene Eggen, Choir Director, 701-721-9595
Join this group on Tuesday morning, April 5th at 10 am in the garage of Dave Torgersen at 2740 S Teakwood Circle in Sunland Springs Village.
Busy working making trivets for the Youth Spaghetti Dinner Auction.
Dave Torgersen - 480-219-9343
Nite Lite
Worship services are at 6:30 pm
Prayers –
We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week and especially with all Covid, colds and flu cases.
Joe and Dana Hansen, Bob Keller, and Kimberly Flook
For Linda K and Richie C who struggle with cancer
For the families of Ruth and Jeff who have recently passed into the church triumphant.
We continue to pray for the health of: Mike Stark, LaVonne Anderson, Tom Snodgrass, Eleanora Crise-Tomes, Mary Greimann, Ethel Robbins, Marie Renda, Frieda Pyles, Kevin Hicks, Stephanie Skansi, Darlene and Darren Holzipel, Moine Gates, Dick Schultz, LeAnne Strand, Don and Cleo Hansen.
Chris Tjon and James Tjon, Bob Anderson, Tammy Martinson, Curtis Peterson, Lois Lorts and RoseMarie Zobel, and Jenna Marley
We pray for Jennifer as she continues her cancer surgery.
May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life! AMEN.
Next Monthly meeting is March 15th
Come gather and share a beer or a beverage and discuss theology. We can try to solve the world’s problems too! We meet on the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring your own beverage! Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair.
Carol and Pastor Tony Scheer
11133 E. Segura Ave - Mesa, AZ 85212
March Worship Volunteers
Saturday 5:00 PM
Date Reader Greeters
3-5 Jennise Acuri Wendy Sontag
3-12 Duane Gilson Confirmed Youth
3-26 Rosemary Brant Max/Alice Tiede
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sunday 9:30 AM
3-6 John Rung Allen/Diane T.
3-13 Karen Gowan Eric/Jackie Shelborn
3-20 Margaret Anderson Hans/Diane Reinhardt
3-27 Terry Williams Debby T & Darci Cox
Greeters: Please be at church by 4:40 pm on Saturday and 9:10 am on Sunday.
March Birthdays
March 7 Marcia Johnson
March 8 John Rung
March 14 Michael Snyder
March 16 Lloyd Stucke
March 17 Ruby Klick
March 18 Raegan Ward
March 23 David Davis
March 24 Elaine Brynsaas
March 26 Warren Holzapfel
March 27 Amy Farlinger
March 29 Wendy Sontag
March 30 Joanne Reis
March 31 Duane Gilson
March 31 Sue Exsted
Second and Fourth TUESDAY of the month
(March 8th and 22nd)
Church Narthex from 1:00pm -3:00pm
Please contact Diane Thompson at
480-354-7897 to register!
Breakfast with your Friends and Pastor
Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Southern and Signal Butte Rd)
See you again next Wednesday, March 16th at 9:00 am
This Lent
We will be designating all funds in the HUNGER JAR to be given to the ELCA World Hunger Program!
Beginning WEDNESDAY - March 9th 2022 -MidWeek LENTEN WORSHIP SERVICES at 6:30pm
Pastor Tony’s weekly message will include A 7 week series exploring the basic question: WHY CHRISTIANITY?
Using Douglas John Hall’s accessible and straightforward book “Why Christianity? For those on the edges of faith, we will confront the following questions in this 7 week series:
1. Why Christian?
2. Why Jesus?
3. Saved from What? For What?
4. But How?
5. What's the Difference?
6. Why Church? And by the Way, What about "the Others"?
7. Is There Any Hope?
"It's that kind of doubting faith--or faithful doubt--that I want to dialogue with here. I think I understand it. It's where I live too, most of the time." --Douglas John Hall from the “Why Christianity? For those on the edges of faith
Did you know you can support nonprofit organizations in your community just by shopping at Fry's? It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards. To get started, sign up with your V.I.P. Card and select Spirit of Hope as the local organization you wish to support. Once you're enrolled, you'll earn rewards for your church every time you shop and use your V.I.P. card.
Dementia Q and A Group
No matter what stage your loved one is in you have questions and concerns. Join us for a real conversation about cognitive decline, Dementia, Alzheimer's and Mild Cognitive Decline. Part support, part insight. . All Real.
New topics each meeting!
Open to Families and Loved Ones
Tuesday’s 3/8, 3/22, 4/5, 4/19
4:30 pm- 5:30 pm
Group Leader, Pam Ostrowski, uses her 14-year dementia journey with her parents to be a Dementia guide helping families accept, prepare for, manage, and cope with the challenges, tasks, and decisions that they’ll have to make in the coming years.
In person and on zoom. Please RSVP to
(480) 955-1633
Meeting at The Summit at Sunland Springs 2415 S. Signal Butte Rd
Ask me about our Outpatient Memory Clinic
Lori Marsh, Marketing Director