In case you were wondering….
· Someone will be in the church office Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-1pm
· Messages will be picked up from the Church voicemail on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sunday.
· We have a very active lay ministry team. If you would like a visit, please leave a message at Church or contact the prayer ministry team.
· To be added to the public prayer concern list contact If you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list, please obtain their consent first.
There will be a box on the desk/counter at church where you can slip in a note about someone you wish us to pray for. Please print. These requests, along with those in the newsletter will be added during our worship services for 3 weeks.
· If you have a concern about maintenance in or outside our facility, please contact Barb Kearns 480-427-6776
· Other concerns can be directed to any Council Member. Executive team numbers are
President Rosemary Brant 318-415-8557
Vice President Diane Thompson 480-620-4816
Secretary Barb Kearns 480-427-6776
Financial Secretary Mary Beth Bracken 480-773-4336
· And last but not least, please be patient, God isn't finished with us yet. We are trying hard to stay on top of things during this transition time and we appreciate all your prayers.