2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209

Services: 5:00 pm Saturday

9:30 am Sunday

March 15, 2023

Pastor's Weekly Article

Click Here

Reflections by Council President

Click Here

Financial Report

Click Here

Monthly Calendar

Click Here

All you singers out there, please join others in singing for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday at the 9:30 am service.

Practice starts on Friday, March 24th at 3:00 pm.

Prayers –

We pray for all our church members who are struggling with many health issues this week.

Pray for the health of: Brian Bracken, Ardis Johnson, Ken & Linda Vandenberg, LaVonne Anderson, Frieda Pyles, Stephanie Skansi, Moine Gates, Naomi Hensen, Ruthie Piasecki, Lois Lorts. Mike Tucker.

Prayers for 3 yr old Hailey, Joe Hansen , David Fonder, Chris Tjon, Curtis Peterson, Matthew Stackoiwak.


Lord, guide all who are struggling this week with loss and grief. Help us be angels that shine the Light oi Christ upon them giving encouragement as they need. Amen

April 6th - Maundy Thursday - NO soup dinners!

             Service begins at 6:30pm

April 7th - Good Friday Service - 6:30pm

April 8th - Saturday Easter Vigil Service - 5:00pm

April 9th Easter Sunrise Service - 6:30am

Easter Breakfast – served from 7:30am – 9:15am 

Easter Sunday Worship Service  - 9:30am 

Easter Saturday April- 11:00am

Easter Egg Hunt and story time with Pastor - All ages welcome! 

Easter Sunday - Hunt begins at 10:30 after worship! 


Meet on Friday, March 24th at 9:00 am in the garage of Dave Torgersen at 2740 South Teakwood Circle.

March Macaroni Madness is happening at the Superstition Community Food Bank in Apache Junction.

This month the Outreach Team is asking the congregation to help the Food Bank by bringing plastic grocery bags and also to fill their shelves with pasta, such as spaghetti. All kinds of pasta will be appreciated. Please put these items in the wood box in the narthex.

Thank you for helping to feed hungry neighbors.

Bible Study with Pastor Tony

 Tuesdays, 10:30 am

This Bible study will be an in depth study of the Book of Daniel.

  Thursday Afternoon Women's Bible Study

 The Women’s Bible Study meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm at the church, We’d love to have you there.  To God be the Glory, Dar Stucke 

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church

Bring your Bible and your coffee

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 

Beer and Theology is the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Cancelled for this month

Pastor's home at 11133 E Segura Ave.

 Worship Volunteers


Saturday 5:00 PM


Date     Reader                Greeters      


3-04 Jennise Arcuri         Ed/Cathy Walters

3-11 Daryl Wilton             Rosemary Brant

3-18 Melody Oliver

3-25 Cal Schell 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sunday 9:30 AM


3-05  Peg Goetz         Allen & Diane

3-12  John Rung              Hans& Diane

3-19  Margaret Anderson Sam/Diane Small

3-26  Mike Stark        Hans & Diane


Greeters: Please be at church by 4:40 pm on Saturday and 9:10 am on Sunday.

Donations in the Hunger Jar will continue to be sent to help the people in Ukraine through the Lutheran Disaster Response.

Congratulations Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church!  

In 2022 you received $1606 in Thrivent Choice Dollars® grant funding. We are proud to help support the important work you do and hope, together, we can do even more in 2023!

Don’t forget, you have access to a variety of resources and programs to help you in the communities you serve.

  • Thrivent Choice: Encourage your supporters to direct 2022 Choice Dollars® to your organization by 3/31/2023. Free promotional materials are available in the “Thrivent Choice Resources” section on Thrivent.com
  • Personal DonationsAnyone can use the Thrivent online giving platform to make a donation to your organization. Thrivent pays the donation processing fees - that means 100% of the donation goes directly to your organization.* 
  • Thrivent Action Teams: Encourage Thrivent Clients to apply for a Thrivent Action Team to support your organization. Thrivent clients bring together friends and family to form a volunteer team – Thrivent provides up to $250 in seed money and promotional resources to jump-start the volunteer project. 
  • Local Support:  You also have access to support through local leaders from Thrivent’s Engagement Teams and Thrivent Member Networks.

Let’s make 2023 the best one yet!

*Thrivent will pay up to $300,000 in online processing fees per calendar

year for personal donations made through Thrivent's online giving platform


Spring Mother’s Day

Women’s Tea

Friday - May 5th

11:00 – 1:30pm

BEE FRUITFUL  - Please sign up on the form found on the Island at the church . 

Lenten-Midweek worship Series

The First Christians – The meaning behind the Ichthus fish symbol

We will be using HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER as our liturgical worship for Mid-Week Lenten Services


Community OUTREACH - 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to me." 

Soup Dinner each night served at 5:30 pm followed with worship at 6:30 pm Please contact the church office if you are interested in bringing one of your favorite soups to share! 

LENTEN BOOK STUDY - Lead by Bobbi Edwardson

Beginning - Thursday, February 16 - afternoon at 4:00 PM

Click here for Book Study

March 1   Jacquelin Cox

March 1    Deborah Hall

March 7    Marcia Johnson

March 8    John Rung

March 14   Michael Snyder

March 16   Theresa Foster

March 16   Lloyd Stucke

March 17   Ruby Klick

March 18   Raegan Ward

March 23   David Davis

March 24   Elaine Brynsaas

March 26   Warren Holzapfel

March 26   Sue Stewart

March 27   Amy Farlinger

March 29   Wendy Sontag

March 30   Joann Reis

March 31   Duane Gilson    


Ladies Bunco

Ladies Bunco every 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the church narthex at 1:00 pm.

Next dates: March 14th & 28th

Breakfast with your friends 

Join us for breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at the IHOP Restaurant at

(Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

Phone: 480-396-8300

Email: admin@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Email: president@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Website: www.spiritofhopelutheran.com

Office Hours: Tuesday 10-12pm. Wednesday 9-12pm & Thursday 11-1:00pm