A message from Pastor Tony
“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope” 
(Psalm 130:5, NIV)
Before I could even write my article for this week, I found another article that spoke to me and I want to share it with you.  It was an article in the newsletter from my first call parish, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Mount Vernon, Illinois.  This article had no author listed but I do want to give someone else the credit for it’s specific message.  So whoever write this thank you from all of us for your musings.     
             For many people, the coronavirus pandemic has been a test of patience — or worse.  Medically vulnerable people face an anxious time of hypervigilance. Furloughed workers wait on hold or in lines for assistance. Special events have been canceled or rescheduled.

            Those not impacted directly deal with assorted frustrations and inconveniences.   Many people are learning the benefit of slowing down, being present (even virtually) to others and practicing patient attention.  
Interestingly, scientist Isaac Newton did some of his best work when the plague forced Cambridge University to  close. At home, the inquisitive student invented calculus and developed  groundbreaking theories of gravity and optics. Later Newton called 1666 his annus mirabilis (“year of wonders”) and reportedly said, “If I have made any valuable discoveries, it [owes] more to patient attention than to any other talent.” 

            What have you discovered during the Covid-19 crisis? What appreciations have you developed for aspects of life you may have previously taken for granted? What has social distancing taught you about the value of neighbors, church, community volunteering?

            During the pandemic, what have you learned about persistence and God’s presence? What empathy do you now feel for writers such as the psalmist who wrote Psalm 30:5   “I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” (Psalm 130:5, NIV) 

Next week I will share some of my answers to these questions.  If you would like to share what your answers may be, email them to me and I might publish some of them alongside mine!  

Peace be with you always as we wait in hope!  
Pastor Tony Scheer 

Pastor Tony 
The Generosity Project is an expression of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) Macedonia Project, with initial funding provided by Thrivent Financial Services. The purpose of the Macedonia Project is to grow faithful steward leaders.

Congregations across the ELCA that participated in a pilot for The Generosity Project reported that the experience changed the way they viewed and approached stewardship, opening up new and creative conversations between all generations. The hoped for outcome is for congregations to address the role and meaning of money in daily life, and to begin to equip all ages and households for the faith practice of generosity— year-round. Now, we at Spirit of Hope have an opportunity to participate in this project too!
This project begins with a congregational survey. We are asking each family unit participate in this survey by copying the link below and pasting it into your browser. Please complete the survey and it will then be sent directly to the greater church for statistics. Thank you in advance for helping us begin this project!

 In the weeks and months ahead, we will be planning specific events that will be created for the Generosity Project. Please be sure to participate as much as possible to learn more about giving and being generous toward others and the world!  

This is an organization Spirit of Hope wants to become partners within the near future. 
Genesis Project is a coalition of churches in the Apache Junction area banded together for the common purpose of aiding the less fortunate.

Genesis Project is a faith-based 501c3 organization seeking to feed the hungry and the homeless by facilitating hot meals, showers, clothing, and medical services.

Right now the need for people that are in need is water. Water is something we can help with today. We will be collecting cases of bottled water here at Spirit of Hope and at the end of the month we will load up all the cases and bring it to Genesis to be distributed as needed. Please help as you are able and drop off a few cases at the church for this cause. 

Thank You for your volunteerism!
Your Outreach Team

Update 8-05-2020

Back in Catholic grade school, I was a very inquisitive boy. I asked a lot of question, and eventually, the teacher had enough. She told me ‘Duane, when you get to heaven, you will be able to ask God all your questions, and he will answer them for you’. I responded with ‘I don’t want to have to ask, I just want to know’. Even at that young age I was impatient to know the answer. I wanted to know now! That is one of the main struggles with the current world we live in. We have instant access to answers but not the answers we need. When we get an answer now, we don’t trust the answer because it will change tomorrow. What was good for us yesterday is bad for us today. Eggs were bad, now they are good. We all know the story. When will life return to a pre-COVID life? One day it’s never, the next is sooner than we thought. I don’t know the answer either, but I do know it will change every day until one day we wake up and the answer will be there.
So do we want to wait till we get to heaven to know the answer? Probably not, it would be kind of late to get the answer then. What would we do with the answer in Heaven? Would we walk around and tell everyone “I told you so!”? Trust me, they are in heaven, they won’t care if we were right.
So with the answers changing daily, and the questions changing as fast as the answers, who can we trust? Well, there are a few laws that have not changed in thousands of years. The 10 commandments might have been removed from some buildings, but the words and commandments stayed the same. Don’t have time for all 10? Try just the 2 greatest commandments:

1: Thou shalt love thy Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
2: And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

So there we have it, all we need to know. Well, not everything. There are a million other things we need to know to survive in this world, but if we start with the first 2, the rest will follow. So when someone asks when this will end, answer with ‘I don’t know, but I trust God with the answer. I will honor the 2 commandments and put the rest in His hands.’
So we have been in this COVID world for too many months now, and man has provided us with no answers, and very little hope to an ending. But if we all follow the 2 commandments, the difference between a pre-COVID, a COVID, and a post COVID world won’t look much different. The world would be a kinder place, a place where neighbors care for each other, if someone was ill we offered help to them and their families. We brought them food, we paid their bills, and we build them a ramp if they needed it. This is what the 2 commandments tell us to do. We don’t need the answer, we just need to do. God didn’t say love your neighbor, unless they get sick because they didn’t wear a mask. Just love your neighbor; care for him is he gets sick. When Jesus was healing people, do you think he asked them for a health history before helping them? So Mr. Johnson, it says here you have a bad leg, and you want me to fix it. But I see you are overweight, and your neighbors say you didn’t take very good care of yourself. It also looks like you might have had a little too much wine at the wedding in Canaan a few years ago. Yeah, I saw you dancing with the curtain rod. I think this bad leg is your own fault, sorry Mr. Johnson, I can’t help you. 
But Jesus didn’t do that, and I am glad he didn’t set that example; instead he taught us Grace. Jesus just asked that we believe in him and we could be healed. Follow him, and proclaim the Lord as our savior. 
So there is the answer to when this will be over: When we start following the Commandments and do what God asked us to do. 
Duane Gilson
Council President 
Good Morning everyone from Senior's Rock
Good Morning,
How is everyone doing today? I am doing okay myself. Trying to figure out like everybody else what is our next step going to be.
While sitting home these last few months I reflected on so many memories. Thinking of my grandfather and being five years old. I lived in NY and he lived in Delaware maybe a 4 or 5-hour drive. I was so excited to be able to stay with him for a week or so. I was out of the hospital once again and this was my reward I guess. But my Grandfather said to me Wendy how do you catch a squirrel of course I didn’t know the answer he said to climb up a tree and pretend you are a nut. Well, I was so upset because I thought he called me a nut. So I packed my bags stayed on the porch and he had to call my parents to come to get me. I am sure they were not happy about it. But now when I look back I laugh.
Or another time in the hospital after being there for so long and not able to see my sisters and brothers. My parents brought them all up 6 of them and parked found the window to the room I was in and they were all out there waving hello, that was pretty awesome and I am sure I thought I was pretty special.
So many different memories some good some not so good but it defined who I am today.
Fast forward 11 years ago when I first came to Spirit of Hope. Not going to lie it had been a long time since I was at a church. Well, Pastor Glen made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. He was just so friendly and you can tell right away he was a people person.
I decided right then and there I was home and belonged at SOH. I joined that August and I found my family at SOH.
I try to help whenever I can besides running the Senior’s Rock group {who, by the way, are awesome} We try to do whatever we can to help out. They look out for each other pray for each other and just are a fun group to be in.
So what are some of your memories? Did it define who you are today? Just remember sometimes that is all we have. So remember to tell the people in your life they are loved, they matter, and you will always be there for them.
Till next time

EVENING BIBLE STUDY - We’re Back… and we are also now online!

We resumed our Wednesday Night Bible Study here at the church and we will be also remain on line through the ZOOM application using the same log-in address as we use for the Coffee time with Pastor. Pastor Tony will lead this Bible study throughout the summer we will be studying the scriptures that will be read at the next Sunday worship service. Everyone who is to be present at the church MUST be wearing a mask for everyone’s protection. Masks are available if needed. If you are not able to join us here at church, please log on to this ZOOM video call on your computer or phone at 6:00 pm.  Join us anytime!

or call into the meeting, using your phone to one of the following numbers:
Please add – phone numbers = 1-253-215-8782 OR  1-346-248-7799
When prompted add the following information

Meeting ID: 640 106 1099

See you there!


Thank you for your cooperation with the following procedures and logistics that are designed to go above and beyond to keep everyone safe and in compliance with CDC/State guidelines while maintaining a reverent and prayerful atmosphere. On – line services will continue and you are asked to only come to Services if you are healthy and comfortable doing so.

Initially, there will be only one service offered and that will be on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

What you need to know:

·Although we have worked diligently to limit risk and exposure as we reopen our services, there is still risk in attending with others.

·Do not come to Church if there are any signs that you might be sick, or you are taking care of someone who is sick – don’t just assume its allergies or a harmless sniffle! Please act out of an overabundance of caution for the sake of all.

·Masks or other face coverings that cover both your nose and mouth are encouraged for the safety of others while attending Services. Water fountains are shut off, so if you need water, please bring a water bottle.

 ·Please consider bringing a personal supply of hand sanitizer and/or a disinfecting wipe for your area if possible.

·Be at Church no more than 20 min early as we are trying to limit the time you are exposed to others.

·Don’t be late, as we will not seat anyone once the service begins.

·Greeters at the door will remind you to wear your mask and your tithing envelopes can be dropped off just inside near the baptismal font or by the Hunger Baskets. We will not pass offering plates during the offertory.

·The ushers will be there to help with the Seating.  Seating has been carefully measured to ensure that there is at least 6 feet of distance between family groups. The ushers will be there during communion to ensure proper distancing as well.

·At this time there will not be children's services or nursery staff. Children attending will remain with their families.

·There will be no singing for a while except by Jake and Lizzie.

·Quietly and prayerfully recite prayers and responses as to not project your voice and increase droplets in the environment.

·Do not shake hands with others or hold hands during the “Our Father.” We will also be omitting the “sign of peace.”

·Upon entering the sanctuary, you will receive a prepackaged communion cup and wafer. At the time of the Lords supper, we will all receive together from our seats.

·At the conclusion of Service, we will dismiss people in a carefully planned manner, section by section, to encourage proper social distancing as we leave as well. Please wait to be dismissed.

·We know you will be glad to see many of your fellow parishioners, but please do not congregate in the narthex but exit the doors and visit outside if you want to or go directly to your cars.

·Be sure to wash your hands, sanitize, etc. as soon as you are able after exiting the Church!

·You are not responsible for enforcing the policies and procedures during the Service. If you have any issues, please report them to your usher or Pastor directly. They will handle it from there.

·Even with all of the planning and preparation, things will not go perfectly. Pray for patience, wisdom, understanding, and forgiveness!

Coffee with the Pastor – ONLINE     
               Join me and others for coffee on
Wednesdays at 9:00 AM as we reflect on the social distancing and our lives during the covid-19 pandemic. We are all looking for some social interaction and this is your chance!   You are invited to join me on a ZOOM call… this is how you do this.
Open your internet browser
Copy and paste the link below into the address line.
  We will go live starting at 9:00am


or call into the meeting, using your phone to one of the following numbers:
Please add – phone numbers = 1-253-215-8782 OR  1-346-248-7799
When prompted add the following information

Meeting ID: 640 106 1099

See you there!
Thursday Morning Bible Study at 6:30 AM. Will be meeting at the Starbucks on Baseline and Signal Butte!!!!
Holy Land Trip
After watching the official numbers regarding Covid 19 pandemic and hearing that there are some of you that are highly concerned about the health dangers of going this January, I have decided today that we are going to postpone the entire trip for January 2022.
I am not excited about making this call and I highly encourage you to continue your plans and dreams of going to the Holy Land. I fully intend to continue to promote this trip for 2022. I’m sorry this year has to deal with the complications of Covid 19. Pray that the new year will be a healthy and a time or renewal and prosperity! God be with us! 

In the name of Christ,

Pastor Tony 

When you get to the site you will find a "Register Now" link on the lower right-hand side of the page. After clicking that link you'll be asked to fill out the registration form. Here are a few things to note:
If you are traveling with someone else you will register both people at the same time. 

  • You need your passport when you complete the registration. 
  • The deposit is $300 and you can pay by Credit Card. 
  • You will be asked to create an account with a username and password, be sure to note your selection as you will need to log in again to complete your payment(s) for the trip. 
  • Travel insurance is available at the time of registration. It is strongly encouraged that you purchase this. You MUST purchase travel insurance BEFORE you pay the deposit, you cannot choose to purchase travel insurance after you have paid for any portion of the trip, including the deposit. 

If you have any questions about the registration process please don't hesitate to ask!

Peace be with you!

Pastor Tony
Message from Jen

What a crazy few months it has been. The emptiness of the church, and now my home have given me a lot of time to reflect on myself. There are many mornings that I sit in my office and just try to remember the hugs and laughter that greeted me, with each and every person from seniors rock. Trying to hold back from eating all the wonderful goodies that were brought in. (although my waistline is adjusting for the better, right now) I miss sharing midday coffee and conversation with the ladies as they prepared for their afternoon Bible study group to arrive. I miss the noise.

While all of the changes have been taking place at SOH, live has changed at home as well. After 20 years of noise, I found myself an empty nester, when Maddy graduated and moved to Tempe. The best job in the world is being a mom and suddenly I have found myself with nobody to clean up after. The phone calls and texts just aren't the same as coming home to the kids. It makes me proud to see how amazing both of my kids are "adulting" but there's still that empty bedroom door that I get choked up when passing by them. In the meantime, I've been spending my free time working a second job that I enjoy and suddenly find myself "parenting" my own parents as they seem to need me. Who knows what the next chapter in my life will be? I'm just grateful that I have the family at SOH to walk me through it.

On my way to work yesterday, I found myself stranded AGAIN after blowing a tire. While waiting almost 2 hours on the freeway for the roadside assistance, the ADOT guys that I had been watching disassemble and reassemble exit sign 36 on the 202, came to my rescue. (For the record, the sign is 9 pieces and took 5 employees. I told you, I had nothing better to do than watch them.) Although I was beyond upset, I think it was Gods way of telling me to slow down and just enjoy my surroundings. I left it in his hands. It was a couple of texts to make sure the counters were let in. A couple of first day of school photos to remind me of others crazy mornings, a text asking me if this was the same tire I replaced a few months ago....yes, but I didn't get the problem corrected.

I was emotionally drained and when the ADOT workers came over and asked if they could change my tire for me since the tow truck still had not arrived. I happily accepted the offer. They refused venmo payment or me buying them breakfast/lunch, I didn't know what more I could do to thank them. One of them looked at me and said "This is our way to make a difference in someones day and hopefully you won't have any more tears today." Pastor Tony said I could have offered them a nice hug, but 2 hours on the side of the road was a sweaty hug I wasn't about to share. With my spare safely on the car, they lead me back on the 202 and another truck followed me safely to the repair place. When I arrived to the destination, they honked and waved and I suddenly felt at ease.

This morning, it was decided that my position with SOH was no longer something that was able to be saved. I am thankful for my two and a half years and will miss you all dearly. I would love to keep in touch and you have not seen the last of my smiling face.

Tomorrow is a new day and I know its a fresh start. I have learned to face new challenges and slow down. That's what someone has been trying to tell me.....I hear you God.....Thank you for protecting me and reminding me.

We will continue to accept food donations, however, please remember that the packages must be sealed, nonperishable items. We CANNOT accept open cereal, fruit, vegetables, pet food etc.

Please place your donations in the clear bin, located outside the church, next to the office window.

A quick and easy way to support SOH is when you shop at Amazon. Simply shop @AmazonSmile, look for SOH, and Amazon will make a donation to Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church! 
Help Support Causes in Your Community!

Did you know you can support nonprofit organizations in your community just by shopping at Fry's? It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards! To get started, sign up with your V.I.P Card , and select a local organization you wish to support. Once you're enrolled, you'll earn rewards for your chosen organization every time you shop and use your V.I.P Card!
SOH organization number is 80606

Thank you 
Wendy and Senior's Rock
Numbers For July
Income contributions only

7/27-8/2 $2,575
MTD $23,070

YTD $155,187

Seasonal Weekly Goal Is: $6,250

The seasonal giving goal is a reflection of the 2020 budget prepared by the Council and approved by the Congregation and adjusted for the reduced attendance over four months of the summer.

Thank you for your continued support of our mission and ministry at SOH!
A word from our Financial Secretary

Although we are limited in our ability to commune in fellowship, Spirit of Hope continues to make its presence known through virtual services and through community outreach fulfilling the ongoing mission and ministry of Jesus in our community.

We ask that during this time of need, you continue to make weekly offerings. It is through the faithful, weekly giving of our members we continue to maintain our day to day and missionary obligations during this time.

How can members remain faithful in their giving responsibility and thus continue to invest in and fund the continued mission and ministry of our church?

1.      Continue giving weekly through your personal banking online bill pay service.
2.      Use the Spirit of Hope online giving option at https://https://soh.breezechms.com/give/online.
3.      Use the Spirit of Hope texting option at (480) 725-1140.
4.      Send your donation through the U.S. Postal Service at 2605 S. Signal Butte Rd., Mesa, AZ 85209.

If you need help with setting up or amending your current offering, please reach out to our Financial Secretary, Kianda Addo ([email protected]).
Did you know? 

Giving makes us feel happy - Giving activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust.
Giving is good for our health - It has been found that giving may improve physical health and help decrease stress which in turn increases longevity.
Giving promotes cooperation and social connection - The more you give, the more you’re likely to get back. These exchanges promote a sense of trust and cooperation while strengthening of social ties.
Giving evokes gratitude - Gratitude is an integral part of happiness, health and social bonds. Cultivating gratitude in everyday life increases one’s sense of optimism and personal happiness.
Giving is contagious - When we give, not only do we help the immediate recipient of the gift, we create a ripple effect by generosity in the community. 
Prayers – 
We pray for Sandy Clark and her family upon the death of both her mother and father in the past few weeks. 
We pray for the spouses and families of those church members who have passed into the church triumphant this past month.
We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues this week:
We pray for Max Tiede who is at home recovering from a minor stroke last week. Pray his body will heal!
Naomi Henson and her daughter Wynonna and her husband
Bobbie Edwardson and her mother Marilyn and her father and her brother, Marvin
Bill Zimmerman who is currently recovering from surgeries and is scheduled for a few more major surgeries in near future

Carl’s friend Jamie who is being tested for cancer in a tumor.

May the God of good health and happiness restore all who are struggling this week with the many situations people in our lives are struggling. Thank you for your presence and give us the joys of everyday life!