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THE HOLIDAYS are such a magical time of love, gift giving and family. The energy just glows. Our Top 12 Pick List is filled with experts, products and services that will help you embrace the holidays. We urge you to support these spirited women. Save these lists all year round, too! A great resource tool for you.
MEDICINEWAREâ„¢ ARTISTRY BY AMARI - one-of-kind jewelry with good Earth Medicine for you! Each Necklace and Earring Set is numbered, named, blessed, energized and comes with a card describing its unique power. My creations are inspired by my shamanic path and eye for symmetry & color. Clients love the timeless designs and how good they feel wearing living art and medicine. Amari Magdalena

GIVE BIRTH TO THE SOUND OF YOUR SOUL - by crafting a Sacred Drum with your own hands. My Vision: A Drum in every household. Drumming as a Meditation. Sacred Sounds as a healing modality. Sharing stories of my Drum Journey. The Drum saved my life. Sharing the Heartbeat of Mother Earth since 1996. Cindy Green, founder,  
THERE IS MAGIC IN ARTIST LORI LEVINE'S PAINTINGS! Each piece draws you in and takes you on a mystical journey revealing new worlds and other beings as you gaze into the paintings. Lori also creates custom paintings of your "spirit" or that of a loved one by accessing the Akashic records. To see and order her work, please visit, Facebook
THE WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE FOR CONSCIOUS COACHING (WLICC) - is an online life coach school that provides life coaching and consulting certification. Their trainings feature UnTherapy, a trademarked system of wellness counseling developed by psychologist and author, Sunny Massad, Ph.D. This Online Life Coach School for Women Teaches Students HOW to Empower Others Without Reverting to Advice.    
LANIA DESMOND - is the originator of SoulPoint and EssenceWork. She facilitates for individuals and groups ready to harness lives of deep love, self-fulfillment, and inner magic. Her clients report massive expansion when re-directing their lives under her gentle guidance. Lania's spiritual perspectives are the result of numerous near-death experiences and the decades of self-mastery that followed.  
YOLANDA RUSSO- is an Esthetician and creator of Beauty On Command Natural Facelift System. She speaks to women's groups nationwide and offers her popular workshops on "You Don't Have To Be A Celebrity To Look Like One." Yolanda's exciting Beauty on Command program is launching February, 2016 to spas and Estheticians across the country. Please contact her at

DEENA METZGER - is a novelist, medicine woman and radical thinker on behalf of Earth and the future. She initiated Daré, community gatherings for healing individuals, community and the planet, also ReVisioning Medicine uniting medical and medicine people to transform medical practice itself. She's imagining a Literature of Restoration to free English and Literature from their inherent structural violence.

LISA HARDWICK - is a Heart-Centered Publisher/Consultant at Visionary Insight Press. She is known for helping others find their voice and has assisted 100+ individuals with their Publishing and Speaking careers. Throughout the year Lisa facilitates Multi-Author Book Projects, Publishing Presentations, Writer's Workshops and VIP Speaker's Conferences featuring some of today's most sought-after inspirational teachers, healers, and spiritual leaders.,  
SHERI HORN HASAN PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGER, AMAZON #1 AUTHOR/EDITOR @ KARMIC EVOLUTION - Sheri specializes in horoscope readings that help individuals move from chaos to clarity & co-create their own future through astrological insight. Learn about the patterns into which you chose to be born, past life karma, & how to successfully navigate life's stages as you move forward on your journey!
ARE YOU THE QUINTESSENTIAL HOSTESS? The People-pleaser? The Super-Competent High-Achiever with mile-long lists? Do you secretly feel trapped in a fa-la-la version while grumbling "Bah Humbug"? Give yourself the gift of Breaking Free from depleting internal chains of holidays past. Learn tangible tools to Break Free of habits which cloud your true holiday spirit. Contact Morgan Sontag, MS.

LAURA HOORWEG - Intuitive Counselor/Clairvoyant/Medium - has a laser like way of seeing relevant details in all the areas of your life. She brings a no-nonsense presence to her work along with a huge capacity to see and outline the most positive life-affirming way forward. Laura guides you through any issues you may be having with amazing clarity and compassion.   
FALLING FEATHER CREATIONS artist Vicki Dobbs strives to honor the spirit of each part of her projects in the creation of her sacred art and tools. Always beginning from scratch, no two projects are ever exactly alike. Vicki brings gratitude and ceremony to her creation process making drums, rattles, baskets, fans, medicine pouches and ceremonial wear, 559-269-7653
spiritedpicksmalllogo Would you like your services/products/yourself to be "showcased" in our New Year's Pick List? It is a perfect list for self-help and growth. We now offer you a fab logo with the list to get more recognition for your products and what you do. This list is by invitation only. Call Nancy to request a spot at 805-698-3555 or via e-mail: