We Commit Ourselves
And Our Resources
To Nurture the Spirit,
Grow in Community,
And Help Heal the World.
Order of Service
Watch the Live Streamed Service Here!

Upcoming Gatherings

March 26 | 10 am

Way Opens

Rev. Elaine Peresluha

April 2 | 10 am

Peace with Palms

Rev. Elaine Peresluha

April 9 | 10 am

Forgiving Ourselves. Redeeming Ourselves.

Rev. Elaine Peresluha & Sandra Greenfield

Click Here to Usher on Sunday Mornings
Click Here to Bring Flowers For Sunday Service

Meet Our

Guest Speaker,

Rev. Erica Baron!

Rev. Erica Baron joined the New England region staff in 2019, focusing on helping congregations live into their missions and develop their gifts for spiritual leadership. Before joining the Congregational Life staff, she served as parish minister for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills in Kingston, NY, as well as the congregations in Rutland and Bennington, VT. She is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological School.

We're Fired Up!

First Parish

Stewardship 2023

Stewardship is the growing, nurturing, promoting, and building of connections, commitment, and mission. We want to see you in person at one of our Food for Fellowship gatherings, to hear your dreams, fears, frustrations, appreciation, and hopes! This year, First Parish steps into a new era of vision, strength, and abundance. We are changing our relationship to each other, this institution, and with money! No pledge cards in the mail. We will bring pledge cards to you at these gatherings. Check out the openings, addresses, and the menu details in the link below.

  • March 17 from 7-9pm at First Parish - finger foods and drinks
  • March 18 from 6-8pm at the Eglinton’s in Portland - dinner
  • March 19 from 11:30am-1:30pm at First Parish - brunch
  • March 29 from 6-8pm at the Caswell’s in Cape Elizabeth - dinner
  • March 31 from 6-8pm at the Runser/Roger’s in South Portland - dinner
  • April 2 from 11:30am-1:30pm at First Parish - brunch
  • April 8 from 6-8pm at Runser/Roger’s in South Portland - dinner

More options will be added as needed. Please sign up for a dinner here!

Re-join the First Parish community with one or more of the fun events listed above! For more information, and to sign up to attend an event, please click here. To register as a volunteer for a Community Dinner, please click here. For more information, please email the Stewardship Team.

We Need Your Input on What

Our Safe Congregation Looks Like!

Please join our Security Assessment expert, Regan Goan from RJ Goan & Associates, on Sunday, March 26th at 11:30am in the Parish Hall to have a congregational conversation on what we want our safe congregation to look like, what your concerns and suggestions are, and to listen to what Regan has to offer from his experience. This session is made possible through a FEMA grant that the Trustees procured to ensure a comprehensive assessment on our safety and security. Please email Linda Shary if you have questions or would like to attend.

Banks: Stop The

Money Pipeline!

March 21st | 3-4 pm |

Monument Square

First Parish's Climate Action Team is supporting this rally. Let's show up with our signs and voices! The rally is calling on the biggest banks in the country (Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citi, and Wells Fargo) to stop funding new fossil fuel projects. Here in Portland, we'll be focusing on Chase and Bank of America. Organized by Third Act Maine, the rally will include individuals and members of over a dozen allied groups, including ours! Learn more at the Third Act table at Coffee Hour on 3/19. If you're able to come to the rally, please RSVP here! If you'd like to help with pre-rally logistics at First Parish from 12:30-2:30pm, please talk to new First Parish member Molly Schen, or email her.

Ministerial Search Committee Update

Signs of Spring are around us, and the promise of new beginnings. Your Ministerial Search Committee is excited about this phase of the search process. We are approaching the end of candidate interviews and the final decision point, and looking ahead to the possibilities for First Parish. We are grateful to the church community for supporting of our efforts, and the commitment to the future of First Parish as a congregation of faith and action. If you have questions or comments, speak to a MSC team member at church on Sunday, or send an email.

UUA Common Read

The UUA Common Read for this year is Mistakes and Miracles by Nancy Palmer Jones and Karin Lin. It's an exploration of 5 UU congregations' experiences in their journeys toward Beloved Community and shares the joy, disappointments, and growth that they found on the way. This book or audiotape can be ordered from the UUA website at this link. We will also be taking orders after services starting on March 5th. The books and shipping are $25 and can be picked up at the church when they arrive. There will be two Zoom discussion meetings in May to explore the Common Read with other UU congregations. For more information, please email Betsy Garnett.

Wayside Pulpit

Personal Care Kits

For People

Experiencing Homelessness!

Thanks to everyone who has donated items in the past for the kits. We have run out of personal care kits for those experiencing homelessness in Portland! If you would like to donate a personal care kit, click here for some ideas of items to include. Please email Hannah at the office to learn more or to schedule a time to drop off kit(s). Thank you!

Online Chalice Circles

If you are interested in participating in a Chalice group, but find it difficult to get to in-person meetings, there is at least one group that meets by Zoom and would welcome new members. Lots of warmth, growth, and connection is shared with confidentiality and kindness in our interesting topical conversations. If you haven't used Zoom, we can arrange an in-person or on-line coaching session. Please email Barbara DeSerres for more information.

 Pastoral Care Needs


If you wish to speak confidentially with a member of the Pastoral Care Team, please send an email to team leader Judy Micoleau and a member will get back to you as soon as possible. The Pastoral Care Team is also recruiting new members! If you are a compassionate and astute listener and have a desire to support FP members who are experiencing spiritual and emotional needs, we would love to meet with you. Please email Judy Micoleau if you are interested!

Come Sing With Us!

The First Parish Choir has weekly rehearsals every Thursday evening from 7:00pm to 8:30pm and we're looking for new members! For more information please email our Music Director, Benjamin Holbrook.

What's Going On

Within The UUA?

If you are interested in learning about what is happening within the UUA, check out these regional and national websites!

Side With Love
New England Region
Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism
Library Catalogue
Live Stream Recordings
Annual Report

Getting In Touch

With First Parish

It may take a few days to return phone messages, so email is the best way to reach all First Parish staff. Please remember that Laurie and Benjamin work part-time and may not respond to emails every day. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Rev. Elaine Peresluha

Interim Minister


Hannah Gilman

Congregational Administrator


Benjamin Holbrook

Music Director


Laurie Hasty

Membership Coordinator


Moe Blanchard



Ongoing Meetings & Resources

Poetry Hour | Fridays | 8-9am

Breathing & Meditation | Wednesdays | 8-9am

Peaceful Harbor Sangha | Sundays | 6:30-8pm

Visitor Card- help us get to know YOU!

Offertory & Pledge Contributions


425 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04101

 Nurture the Spirit, Grow in Community, 
and Help Heal the World
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