Spoke N' Word

Special Edition

Monday, February 19, 2024


Introducing RICH CITY

Photo Credit: Shots From Richmond www.shotsfromrichmond.com

Message from our Executive Director, Najari Smith

Over the last year, the RICH CITY nonprofit team has been working with our lawyers to incorporate as our own 501c3 nonprofit. RICH CITY, our new independent non-profit’s mission, will be to deliver programs and enterprises centered on three fundamental pillars: community voice, community service, and community-controlled assets to create a Rich City – where marginalized people have abundance and everything they need to thrive.

Like many smaller nonprofit organizations in Richmond and the United States, RICH CITY has been a fiscally sponsored project for the past 12 years. Other examples of Richmond-based non-profits that are fiscally sponsored include Richmond Trees, Eco Village Farm Learning Center, and West County Digs; all 3 of these organizations are fiscally sponsored projects by Earth Island Institute, which has served as a fiscal sponsor of over 75 projects/organizations for the past 40 years. Fiscal sponsorship is a vital tool for new not-for-profit organizations. It allows them to share the administrative, financial, and governance infrastructure of a more established organization, giving them the time, space, and support to develop impactful programs while they develop their own internal infrastructure. 

We are thankful to Urban Tilth for fiscally sponsoring our nascent organization and supporting and encouraging our growth. As we were making BIG plans in 2022 to design and launch our capital campaign to purchase the three core buildings associated with our current and future work in downtown Richmond, it became clear that we were outgrowing our fiscal sponsorship and needed to take the next step and transition from a fiscally sponsored project of Urban Tilth to our own independent 501c3 nonprofit. As a result of this realization, in 2023, RICH CITY was established as a California non-profit, and we are now completing the steps to establish RICH CITY as its own federal 501c3. This is an exciting moment of growth fueled by over a decade of hard work helping to transform our community into a healthier and more just Richmond. 

Rich City Rides Bike Skate Shop,

a for-profit worker-owned cooperative

In contrast to the nonprofit, since its inception, the Rich City Rides Bike Skate Shop Co-op has been a worker-cooperative business. The bike shop was founded by four worker-owners in September 2014 and incorporated as a California Cooperative Corporation in October 2017. Without a single bike shop in downtown Richmond in 2014, the Rich City Rides Bike Skate Shop was created to provide a crucial element of bicycling infrastructure, a place to repair and purchase quality bikes and accessories that catered to the Richmond community while also providing worker ownership for the enterprise's members.

The Co-op operated as an independent, for-profit, worker-owned business for almost ten years. At its height, four worker-owners and additional employees ran our community bike shop.  

The process of closing the bike shop has been difficult. While we are working through an investigation and legal process, there isn’t a lot of information that can be shared publicly at this time. We are doing everything we can to make sure everyone involved with the Co-op, myself included, is able to move on from this project in a productive way.  

This process has been painful. We will use what we've learned from this first worker cooperative project and take those lessons to create more successful worker cooperatives in the future. 

What’s Next for RICH CITY?

e-Bike Lending Library

While RICH CITY transitions to its own 501c3 nonprofit from fiscal sponsorship, we’re enthusiastic to bring the first-ever e-Bike Lending Library to Richmond and to lead the Community Engagement Plan for Richmond Rising, the City of Richmond’s Transformative Climate Communities state grant-funded project that we are honored to support. As part of the Community Engagement Plan, RICH CITY will provide paid fellowships for 15 youths each year to help communicate the program's progress with neighbors in the program area.

Over the past 10 years, we have provided over 3,500+ free new and refurbished bikes to Richmond residents through the Everybody Rides program. We will continue to offer this program to those in need, and RICH CITY will continue to host community rides throughout the year.

e-Bike Lending Library draft schematic design

Richmond Park Equity Project

In partnership with the Hellman Foundation, The Trust for Public Land, and Placeworks, RICH CITY will also continue to implement the Richmond Park Equity Project (Rich PEP), a Black and Brown resident-led movement for park equity in Richmond, CA, as part of this project, we invite you to join our resident-led Advisory Group to activate and bring more resources to underserved parks in Richmond. For more information on how to get involved with Rich PEP, contact [email protected].

Youth Walk Bike and Hike Clubs

This year, RICH CITY will bring high school Walk Bike and Hike clubs to High Schools throughout West Contra Costa County. If you know some High School youth who would like to get involved, have them email [email protected]. Additionally, RICH CITY will host our bike rodeos at elementary schools in Richmond. If you would like to host a bike rodeo at your school, send a request to email [email protected].


Pinole Valley Spartans &

Richmond Oilers!

We're bringing The RICH CITY RIDES Bike, Walk & Hike Club to you!

Richmond High

Monday 2/26 - Tuesday 2/27

during your lunch periods

Pinole Valley High

Wednesday 2/28 - Thursday 2/29

during your lunch periods

Join us as we reconnect with members of old and welcome new members for this year's Bike, Walk & Hike Club at our Kick-Off Recruitment Days. We will be at Richmond High Monday 2/26 - Tuesday 2/27 & Pinole Valley High Wednesday 2/28 - Thursday 2/29 during your lunch periods with information and application forms for interested students. Look for flyers being passed and posted up around your school's campus so you can save the date. 

Our Bike, Walk & Hike Club will host weekly meetings and hold elections in-order to vote in Club Officers. Once our club is established, we will begin planning and hosting Social Bike Rides, Group walks and partnering with other local community groups for our hiking excursions. 

Come and bring a friend as we build healthy lifestyles and healthy communities one Club Member at a time. 

RICH CITY Community Hubs

Thanks to the success of our capital campaign, contributed to by over 100 individual donors, corporations, and foundations, RICH CITY was recently able to purchase 3 downtown Richmond properties that will be developed into 3 Community Hubs:

#1: RICH CITY Tech Lab1428 MacDonald Ave is envisioned as the RICH CITY Tech Lab, a sustainable Tech Lab designed to serve children, young adults, and seniors in the inner city community. It will feature a range of facilities and amenities to support digital literacy and innovation.

RICH CITY Tech Lab Hub Draft rendering by African Studios.

#2: RICH CITY Wellness Hub

1525 Ohio Ave is envisioned as the RICH CITY Wellness Hub it will be designed to cater to people of all faiths and backgrounds and prioritizes inclusivity, respect for diverse beliefs, and holistic well-being. The RICH CITY Wellness Hub will include spaces for workshops, meditation, games, dance, music, and art studios. Conveniently located adjacent to Unity Park, the wellness hub will also store games and equipment that can be borrowed for outdoor activities.

RICH CITY Wellness Hub Draft rendering by Mithun, Inc.

#3: Black Wellness Center

Last but not least, 1500 MacDonald Ave is envisioned as the Black Wellness Center. the. Tailored to Black people of all ages and backgrounds, the Black Wellness Center will incorporate a thoughtful approach that addresses the unique needs, experiences, and cultural contexts within the Black community. The Black Wellness Center currently plans to develop a Black childcare cooperative, cultural healing spaces, and holistic health services led by health service professionals. The Black Wellness Center plans to provide youth and family programs, space for cultural arts and expression, and intergenerational healing circles.

RICH CITY Black Wellness Center Draft rendering by African Studios.

In alignment with our core ecological values the ultimate designs of these 3 Community Hubs will incorporate energy-efficient features such as LED lighting, passive solar heating, water conservation and smart building automation systems.

Let us know your thoughts!

We're seeking your input on these exciting new projects!

  • Tell us what facilities you want to see at the RICH CITY Tech Lab or Wellness Hub. 
  • What are your favorite parts of each project? 
  • What are these two projects missing? Let us know!
  • If you are a member of Richmond’s Black Community, do you have ideas for what needs to be included in the Black Wellness Center? 

Kindly email your ideas and input to [email protected]

Najari Smith

founding executive director,

RICH CITY nonprofit

founding co-owner,

Rich City Rides Bike Skate Shop Cooperative

Support this vision for a RICH CITY!

We are still raising the funds necessary to pay off the matching loan we needed to purchase the properties and the funds needed to realize the vision for these 3 community hubs. If you would like to support this work you can make a contribution here: Build RICH CITY

We look forward to continuing to grow in new and positive ways, and as always, we’re grateful for your ongoing support. 

Thank you,



Upcoming Activities


Rich City Rides is grateful for the support

This work wouldn't be possible without the funding support from our partners: Climate Justice Alliance, The Our Power Coalition, The Chorus Foundation, The Hellman Family Foundation, The California Endowment, The San Francisco Foundation, California Strategic Growth Council, Solutions Project, Manzanita Foundation, Hidden Leaf Foundation, and individual donors like you!

Our village wouldn’t be as strong without the Mutual Aid support of our partners: Urban Tilth, Moving Forward, Our Power Coalition, Richmond Youth Works, Go To Work Fitness, Ricky Antonio and Ricky Antonio Entertainment, Direct Action Everywhere SF, Direct Action Everywhere, Strategic Growth Council, Contra Costa Supervisor John Gioia’s Office, San Francisco Pizza House, East Bay Bike Party, Bike East Bay, Richmond Outdoors Coalition, Climate Justice Alliance, David Solnit, Shots From Richmond, Big Picture Anthems, Rich City Rollers, East Bay Regional Park District, Red Bike & Green, Richmond Community Services Department and the City of Richmond. 

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