Equus Events Inc. Sponsor Spotlight
Sponsor Spotlight
Our Sponsors are such an important part of Equus Events horse shows and we couldn’t do it without them! We encourage you to support our sponsors - visit their websites, shop their stores, signup for their services. They support us, so show them you support them too!
Throughout the year we will highlight a sponsor in our Sponsor Spotlight. This Sponsor Spotlight features GumBits .
GumBits , Chewing Gum for Horses & Ponies, promotes the salivation process and eliminates the teeth grinding which often can occur during the intense training of high performance sport horses and ponies.
Not only does GumBits encourage chewing activity, trigger salivation, and eliminate teeth grinding, horses love the sweet taste. GumBits are made of all natural FDA approved ingredients and is safe and palatable.

  • Activates Salivation
  • Encourages Submission
  • Eliminates Teeth Grinding
  • Promotes Chewing Activity
  • All Natural Ingredients
  • Safe for Competition Horses & Ponies
Check out the GumBits website at http://gumbits.com/ and look for another Equus Events Sponsor Spotlight coming soon!
For more information about Equus Events check out equusevents.com  or call 803-643-5698 .
A Huge Thank You to Our Sponsors!