2022 Volume: Edition 11

To our Sport for Life champions,

We’re feeling thankful for how far we’ve come this year.

The Canadian quality sport and physical literacy ecosystem is going through a period of transformation, particularly as equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility continue to inform the work we do. It’s our mission to ensure that everyone is included, as often as possible, in any physical activity they choose to pursue.

In this eNewsletter, you can read about the twin paths informed by Long-Term Development that Skate Canada has created for its participants. We have an update on our Physical Literacy for Communities initiative, and a reminder about the upcoming winter version of National Health and Fitness Day. You can also read about a pilot project out of Calgary that aims to reach newcomers.

Finally, we have a number of exciting opportunities to connect and collaborate both in-person and virtually, including the upcoming 2023 Sport for Life Summit —for which we’re also announcing our next keynote!—and the International Physical Literacy Conference.

International hockey icon Hayley Wickenheiser to deliver keynote at 2023 Sport for Life Summit

Sport for Life is excited to announce that Canadian hockey icon Hayley Wickenheiser will be one of the keynote presenters for the 2023 Sport for Life Summit, which will take place in multiple communities across Canada throughout February and March. 

Wickenheiser is regarded as one of the best female hockey players in the world, representing Team Canada at 13 World Championships and six Olympics. During her Olympic appearances, she led her team to four gold and one silver medal, and was named the tournament's most valuable player in 2002 and 2006.

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Skate Canada revitalizes participant pathways 

Aspiring figure skaters now have two pathways to excellence, and an easy platform to explore both, thanks to Skate Canada’s revitalized Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity framework and their newly introduced Athlete Development Matrices for their Podium and STAR pathways.

According to Dr. Shae Zukiwsky, Senior Director of Performance Excellence at Skate Canada, these improvements were long overdue. The resource is available to all Skate Canada stakeholders country-wide through a user friendly online portal. 

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Calgary pilot project provides physical literacy opportunities for newcomers

A pilot project designed to provide newcomer youth with opportunities to develop their physical literacy has launched in Calgary, and researchers are keen to see what impact the two eight-week programs have on young newcomers. 

“This has been a great opportunity for newcomers to participate in different ice- and land-based activities, most of which are entirely new to them. These youths get to participate in activities such as ice luge and human curling in the arena or wheelchair basketball and Kinball in the gym space, and the broader aim is to help them to gain confidence and understand how to move in different ways. Movement on ice in particular tends to be very novel for many of these youths,” said Matt Kwan, the pilot’s research lead. 

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The Physical Literacy for Communities project gains momentum country-wide

The Physical Literacy for Communities (PL4C) initiative has mobilized all over the country, with numerous working tables being created to collaboratively establish a culture of healthy living and physical activity.

This will enable communities to broaden the physical activity opportunities available to the population. In past iterations of the PL4C program, communities came together to create a program for newcomers, introduced a hospital program to help post-operative patients regain their mobility, and provided shoes for Indigenous students that needed them.

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Seeking Introduction to Belonging in Sport and Physical Activity workshop facilitators

Sport for Life is seeking learning facilitators from equity-seeking groups and those who see themselves as allies who have a passion for physical literacy and quality sport, and experience in facilitating in-person or virtual groups.

Our new Introduction to Belonging in Sport and Physical Activity workshop is designed to equip cross-sectoral stakeholders (e.g., sport, recreation, education, health and municipalities) with the competence to cultivate belonging in sport and physical activity. 


This workshop will define concepts of belonging, explore how to integrate these concepts to improve your programs and present some considerations of participants’ identities in sport and physical activity.

If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please contact Shelley Roddie, Coordinator of Workshops, at workshops@sportforlife.ca. If you have any questions about the development of the workshop, please contact Billie Tes, Manager of People and Culture at billie@sportforlife.ca and she will gladly connect about the vision.

Latest Summit will be hosted in communities all across Canada


The 2023 Sport for Life Summit is coming to a community near you!

Scheduled for multiple venues country-wide in February and March, the Summit will feature both in-person and virtual presentations and pre-recorded keynote speeches, as well as workshops on quality sport, physical activity and physical literacy. The event’s theme is “Thriving through Changing Times”.

The Summit will be hosted in the following communities:

  • St. John's, Newfoundland, hosted by Memorial University

  • Montreal, Quebec, hosted by Reseau Accès Participation, Sport'Aide, Réseau des unités régionales de Loisir et de Sport and Champions for Life 

  • St. Catharines, Ontario, hosted by Ridley College

  • Ottawa, Ontario, hosted by Sport for Life and the House of Sport

  • Winnipeg, Manitoba, hosted by the General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres

  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, hosted by PHE Saskatchewan


  • Calgary, Alberta, hosted by the Centre for Newcomers

Visit our Summit website to learn more about event dates, and about more communities as they come on board! 

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International Physical Literacy Conference coming to New York City in 2023

Coming up from May 2-5, the International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) promises to be a challenging educational experience that reaches across sectors. Attendees can join worldwide experts as they discuss best practices in the quest to develop physical literacy.

IPLC is truly a research-to-practice and practice-to-research conference, which is suitable for all practitioners and researchers.

Registration is now open!

>>Register now

National Health and Fitness Day returns for another year of winter physical activity


Once again, the winter version of National Health and Fitness Day is being hosted in communities across Canada next year, on February 11.

An off-shoot of the summer National Health and Fitness Day, it gives participants the opportunity to get active – whether that’s out on the ski slopes, or on a spin bike at home. The goal is to bring joy and movement into your life, no matter where you live! 

For more information on National Health and Fitness Day, click here.

Si vous voulez consulter nos infolettres en français, cliquez ici.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. 

Sport for Life |  (778) 433-2066 | sportforlife.ca

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