2023 Volume: Edition 11

To our Sport for Life champions,

In this edition, learn more about the ways Sport for Life and our partners are bringing diversity and growth to the forefront of our work.

As we prepare for the 2024 Sport for Life Summit, witness the transformative impact of Kenora Curling Club, another recipient of Sport for Life's COVID-19 micro-grant. Learn more about CEO Richard Way's global insights at the 28th TAFISA World Congress, and find out about an impactful partner table shaping up in Surrey, British Columbia, supporting newcomer engagement. Plus, we have another evidence-based practice surrounding inclusive physical literacy from our friends at Memorial University.

You can also find links to the conversation on inclusivity with Dr. Marilou St-Pierre in our upcoming webinar (available in both French and English!), and read important news around NCCP PD points for Sport for Life webinars.

Register today for Early Bird pricing at the Ottawa Summit!

Early Bird pricing is now available for the Ottawa Summit on January 25-26, 2024, hosted at the Nepean Sportsplex

To claim your discount, simply:

Don't miss this chance to be part of the Sport for Life Summit at a discounted rate—register before December 31, 2023. Hurry! Space is limited.

We will share more information on Victoria and Quebec City registration, as well as session topics at all three locations, in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please email Emily Rand at emily@sportforlife.ca.

>>Register here for the Ottawa Summit

Newcomer-centric partner table catalyzes physical literacy and inclusion collaboration in Surrey

Taking a significant step toward supporting newcomers to Canada in Surrey, we are delighted to announce the initiation of a partner table focused on physical literacy and quality sport to promote inclusivity. Kabir Hosein, Director of Strategic Initiatives, facilitated the collaboration on September 19 with DiverseCity, starting with Sport for Life’s Engaging Those Who Are New to Canada workshop supported through a Canadian Parks and Recreation Association grant.

The partner table aims to identify and bridge service gaps by maximizing resources and expertise through collaboration—an idea sparked from a conversation between Mike Lally and Hosein at last year’s Sport for Life Summit in Richmond.


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Empowering the next generation: Insights from the 28th TAFISA World Congress

Fresh from his trip to Pachuca, Mexico, as part of the Mexican Football Federation's recent conference, Sport for Life CEO Richard Way shared Sport for Life's impactful work around knowledge scaling and capacity building in the quality sport and physical literacy spaces at the 28th TAFISA World Congress in Dusseldorf Germany at the start of November. This year’s congress theme? Sport for All: More together than ever.

Organized by the German Olympic Sports Federation, North-Rhine Westphalia State Sports Federation, and North-Rhine Westphalia State Government, the congress brought together 500 participants from more than 100 countries...

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Micro-grant momentum: Kenora Curling Club’s community growth post-pandemic 

Like so many sport clubs, COVID-19 had a detrimental impact on Kenora Curling Club's membership, dropping participation to about 320 curlers. In response, the club had to think creatively about how to boost their numbers once things started to even out in our new, post-pandemic normal.

As a member of the Ontario Curling Council, Ronnebeck saw Sport for Life’s COVID-19 Micro-Grant come through her inbox—and immediately flagged it as an opportunity for Kenora’s club. “I thought this would be great for the general curling club for us to try to entice, train some people, first of all, to teach curling and entice, perhaps some new members, and we specifically tried to target more diversity.”

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Welcome to Sport Canada's New Director General Nathalie Nye 

Sport for Life extends a warm welcome to Nathalie Nye, who has assumed the role of Director General of Sport Canada. Nye brings extensive experience from her recent position as Director General of Major Projects at Transport Canada.

Her background also includes leadership roles in horizontal integration at the Public Health Agency of Canada and previous positions in various government departments focusing on issue management. And a decade-long tenure as a lawyer at the Department of Justice early in her career.

We look forward to collaborating with Director General Nye on advancing goals and priorities for the sport sector.

Pillars to physical literacy and inclusion: Open-mindedness, adaptability, and willingness to evolve

Many programs have implemented physical literacy (PL) but often overlook the experiences of persons with diverse abilities due to societal, cultural, and political influences. This can lead to exclusion and marginalization from physical activities. Researchers at Memorial University have addressed this challenge by developing a PL and inclusion framework. Today, we share one of 10 evidence-based best practices from their work:

Idealization: Practitioners must maintain a willingness to evolve WITH participants, including an openness to learn about others and remaining flexible/adaptable in their instructional approach.

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Turn webinar attendance into NCCP PD points with Sport for Life!

Good news! All Sport for Life webinars are now eligible for National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) professional development (PD) points! Engage in our insightful sessions and enhance your coaching skills while earning valuable points. Here's how it works:

  • For every one-hour webinar, you'll receive 1 NCCP PD point.
  • Attend our 90-minute to 2-hour webinars and earn 2 NCCP PD points.

Take advantage of this opportunity to grow as a coach and boost your professional development. Join us in our upcoming webinars and start accumulating those NCCP PD points!

Did you participate in a webinar before this update? We're exploring opportunities to backdate points for your previous attendance. Stay tuned for more details!

Upcoming Physical Literacy for Communities webinar

Join our upcoming webinar with Dr. Marilou St-Pierre, The Inclusion of trans and non-binary people in sport: It's a matter for everyone!, available in both French and English: 

In this webinar, we will explore the nature of prejudice and stereotypes towards trans and non-binary people in the context of sport, to better demystify them and show how they are not rooted in science (E-Alliance, 2021). Next, we'll outline concrete actions that can be implemented to promote greater inclusion of trans and non-binary people in sport, such as the transaffirmative approach (Pullen Sansfaçon, 2015).

>>Register here for the English webinar

Si vous voulez consulter nos infolettres en français, cliquez ici.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. 

Sport for Life |  (778) 433-2066 | sportforlife.ca

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