August, 2018
Are my athletes insured?
This is a question being asked all the time because the cost of being wrong is so high.

Do you spend hours verifying insurance coverage on your athletes? After all that work do you still receive unexpected bills when you send an athlete for an MRI because their insurance had lapsed or they did not have coverage? If you have these, or other issues related to insurance verification, SportsWareOnLine’s new insurance verification module is your solution.
Insurance Billling
Billing Insurance For Services In The Athletic Training Room
In response to questions raised by athletic trainers on the legality of forgiving patient co-payments and deductibles when billing insurances for services, CSMi engaged a law firm with experience in health care and insurance billing to provide an overview of the methods currently being used by some schools and the potential issues involved. Read the full story.
FAQ: How do I add a new user in SportsWare?
SportsWareOnLine Concussion Toolkit
An estimated 300000 sport-related traumatic brain injuries, predominantly concussions, occur annually in the United States. With athletes returning to school, now is the time to think about your concussion assessment and management tools. Check out SportsWare's Concussion Toolkit which brings together SCAT, VOMS, BESS, Symptom, and Neuro-Cog assessment tools into a integrated concussion management solution.
SWOL Video Tutorial
How Can I Tell Which Athletes Completed Their Forms?
About CSMi