Browse through these five options for home education curriculum and faith building. Spiritually prepare your children and do what is best for your family by discovering the flexible programs that fit your lifestyle and education needs.

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There are several options to consider before you begin homeschooling. One of these is choosing between an Accredited curriculum or Independent Study.

What’s the difference?

Homeschool accreditation is a way to ensure that your child’s education and schoolwork are being evaluated against a set of established standards. Abeka Academy Accredited program is only offered for Abeka Academy students. It helps parents keep track of their child’s progress by reviewing and grading their work and providing official documentation such as report cards, transcripts, and a diploma upon graduation. In some situations, choosing Accredited will help you meet state or college-entry requirements more easily.

Your second option is Abeka’s Independent Study program. Homeschool families who choose Independent Study through Abeka will still receive all of the materials and videos needed to homeschool, but they will have more flexibility over schedules, reports, and deadlines associated with their child’s education.

Here are the rules and guidelines for homeschooling your children, no matter which option you choose.

How do I choose?

The beauty of homeschooling is that you can do what is best for your family. What works for one family isn’t necessarily going to work for you, so try not to compare your situation to others. Think about your lifestyle and your child’s needs. Does the structure work well for your family or do you thrive in a more flexible environment? Pray about it, and if you still have questions, call or email us. We will do our best to help!

Pilgrim's Rock

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Build a comprehensive, Christ-exalting, and defensible worldview from the infinite excellence of God’s perfections!

 “God the Reason is a remarkable work.”

—Dr. Peter A. Lillback, President, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

Do you and your children long for more faith, joy, and comfort in Christ and Scripture?

Have you and your children ever struggled with ultimate or difficult questions about God and life?

Can you and your children answer challenges to your faith?

Are your children spiritually prepared for college?

From the beauty and excellence of God’s attributes, God the Reason builds a comprehensive, Christ-exalting, and defensible worldview that boosts true and unbreakable faith as it exposes the blind and unreasonable faith of unbelief. Read this book and strengthen your faith, finding comfort in the promises of God as you open doors to share the glory of Jesus and the Gospel with love, grace, and confidence.

 Be amazed. Be blessed. Be prepared.

Click here to learn more and receive free chapters.

My Teaching Library

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One of the most time-consuming tasks of a homeschooling parent can be finding quality resources that you can afford. That is why My Teaching Library was created!

Imagine having an ALL-ACCESS pass to thousands of educational resources: curriculum, worksheets, videos, homeschool helps and more. Now imagine getting this access for an amount equaling only $5 a month or even less.

My Teaching Library offers PreK-12th grade resources in all major subjects and you don’t even have to pay for those hardcover textbooks or workbooks to be shipped to you. Everything is downloadable!

One subscriber said this about MTL, What we love about this program: It is so incredibly flexible! I would say this is a perfect site for educational resources simply because there is so much available on it!”

Another said, My Teaching Library has been a Godsend. Not just for the younger kids, but high school kids too. There is even some things on there just for me!

Have an interest pop up in the middle of the school year and want to do a quick unit study? If My Teaching Library doesn’t have it, contact MTL and they’ll work to create one!

Are you ready to join the thousands of families that make My Teaching Library part of their homeschooling journey? Don’t waste another day searching. Become an ALL-ACCESS subscriber @

Genesis Apologetics

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Genesis Apologetics K-8 Student Zone

Many students have been told that the Bible has been disproven by science. They have questions about creation, evolution, Noah’s Flood, dinosaurs, and many other topics. We can help!

The K-8 Student Zone offers dozens of FREE short video lessons that will build your student's faith in God's Creation! Lessons include videos, handouts, and activities.

Our lessons are organized into three age brackets (Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) and include the following topics:


  • Dinosaurs and the Bible 
  • The 5Cs of Dinosaurs
  • What is the Bible?
  • Can We Trust the Bible?
  • Ape-men Real or Pretend?
  • Made in the Image of God
  • Looking for Lucy: Ape Men Fact or Fiction?
  • Noah’s Flood
  • The Light of Creation
  • Amazing Design (Bugs, Spiders, and Flying Things)
  • The Six Days of Creation
  • Fun with Science
  • The Four Myths of Science
  • What is Science?
  • Refuting Evolution (three-part series)


In addition to the K-8 Student Zone videos, we offer free ZOOM sessions, training resources for older students, YouTube videos, and a free app.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

or call us at 844-743-6374.


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Spice up your lessons with standards-based music from Intelli-Tunes.

Search countless professionally recorded titles that fit seamlessly into any K-5 curriculum. Visit our website for freebies, quick album or single song downloads, ideas, and more. From math concepts and phonics skills to grammar instruction and movement activities, Intelli-Tunes offers the perfect tune for any assignment.

Educators and parents across the country have been incorporating these catchy, fun, and learning-packed songs into classroom and home settings for years. Find us online at and start browsing hundreds of titles and dozens of complete albums today!

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