Pulling Back the Curtain
How the 'new normal' means bringing music to worship at FPCB

Music has always been an essential part of worship, and is a cherished tradition at First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem.

The incorporation of music into weekly worship services (as well as the planning of special musical opportunities) begins with quarterly meetings between Rev. J.C. Austin, senior pastor, and David Macbeth, musical director. They discuss worship themes and their alignment with the common lectionary, seasonal observances, and J.C.'s sermon series.

Monthly discussions by the Worship Committee (a committee of the Session) focus on worship structures, practices, and special projects such as Sunday worship, extra services, concerts, community projects, etc. These plans became the music we enjoyed at 'in person' services and concerts.

With the transition to online services in March of this year, a new plan was needed! The first decision was that, due to its importance in our worship, we would make every effort to include music - as long as we could do it safely.