Issue 9-23 | November 9, 2020
Anneke Mohr Receives WPHA Spirit of Public Health Award
Congratulations go out to Anneke Mohr, who coordinates City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance at Community Advocates Public Policy Institute and helped to launch Hold On To Your Butt MKE, two initiatives devoted to improving health and the environment by preventing and reducing harm from tobacco use. Anneke received the Wisconsin Public Health Association’s Spirit of Public Health Award in the organization’s virtual ceremony on October 29. The award recognizes "the contributions of an individual who is part of the fabric of public health in his/her community and whose goal is to be 'of use.'"

In her remarks at the ceremony, Anneke connected the impact of major public health concerns to her personal life and career. For example, in graduate school, she connected the positive impact of marriage on one's health, and noted at the time that same-sex partners weren’t allowed to marry in all 50 states. More recently, she was able to reap those benefits when she was able to get married in Wisconsin, thanks to a 2015 US Supreme Court decision.

"I feel like we are now at a similar crossroads as a country," she said. "We have decision-makers who have the power to determine who has rights, who gets dignity. It's important for us as public health professionals to take that seriously and advocate for what WPHA has declared, that racism is a public health crisis. I think that this should be something that we are all leading the charge on."

High in Plain Sight Drug Trends Training
Thursday, November 12
Community Advocates Public Policy Institute is pleased to offer two online sessions of Officer Jermaine Galloway’s High in Plain Sight Drug Trends Training on November 12. For more than 18 years, Officer Galloway (the "Tall Cop") has focused on drug/alcohol abuse prevention and enforcement. He has taught and continues to give presentations to a diverse group of professionals from across the country, including law enforcement, parents and educators, mental health providers, treatment professionals, and more.

High in Plain sight will cover current youth drug trends, from marijuana concentrates/dabs to vapes, drug-related clothing, and over the counter drugs. This fast-moving class will highlight current drugs our youth might be using, along with other drug-related popular culture items. This webinar will be presented live twice on November 12, at 9 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. The webinar will not be recorded, so please RSVP only if you can attend the live presentation. Please register now as space is limited.

Hold On To Your Butt MKE
DIY Cigarette Receptacles and Cleanup Kits
If you are sick of cigarette litter fouling up your living area, get some help from Hold On To Your Butt MKE. They’re offering do it yourself cigarette butt receptacles and clean up kits for your use. Since the forecast looks good for a while, why not put your time outdoors to good use? Click here for details and to order.
Lunch & Learn:
Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center
Monday, November 16
Tune in Monday, November 16, from 12-1:30 p.m. via Zoom for an informational webinar on the Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center. You will learn about the progress made to launch the center and hear from co-partners who are working together on this unique, collaborative effort to improve rental housing stability in Milwaukee.
Since 2019, UEDA has been working to convene a diverse set of stakeholders around the implementation of recommendations to address the impact of evictions as described in the Wisconsin Policy Forum report "No Place Like Home." This effort accelerated in early 2020 as the impact of COVID-19 increased financial strain for tenants and landlords, with a focus on developing a tenant-landlord resource center.
Now known as the Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center (MKE RHRC), this collaborative effort is working to connect tenants and landlords to trusted resources in order to prevent evictions and improve housing stability. The center will leverage expertise and services from nine partner agencies, connect people to rental assistance, legal and mediation services, and provide trusted information on tenant and landlord issues.
Contact [email protected] if you need assistance registering or for accessibility related requests by Wednesday, November 11.
WRAP Milwaukee Retail Alcohol Data Webinar
Learn how alcohol is marketed and sold in Milwaukee and how it impacts youth. Experts from the City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance, Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, Counter Tools, and UW-Madison Population Health Institute present findings from 2017-2019 retail assessments in Milwaukee. Watch it on YouTube here and download the presentation slides here.
Wisconsin Gives Big on National Drug Take Back Day
The DEA announced in a press release the record amount of unwanted medications collected during the National Drug Take Back Day: "On Oct. 24, the public turned in 985,392 pounds – almost 493 tons – of medication to DEA and 4,153 of its community partners at 4,587 collection sites nationwide, including 33 Bureau of Indian Affairs sites. 'This year’s event, with a record-setting 493-ton collection, is a sure sign that DEA’s Take Back Day events continue to provide a vital public service that keeps loved ones safe—an opportunity to rid homes of potentially dangerous unused, expired, and unwanted medications,' said DEA Acting Administrator Timothy Shea. 'Every day is Take Back Day and we encourage the public to continue to address this urgent safety and public health issue by using the thousands of existing drop-off locations throughout the year.'"

Wisconsin contributed 89,982 pounds of unwanted medication at 290 collection sites around the state. Well done!

If you missed National Take Back Day, you can find a map of safe and secure medication drop box locations at Take Back My Meds’ website.
Webinars & Events
Moving Beyond the Family Engagement Check Box:
An Innovative Partnership to Promote Authentic Family Engagement in Systems Change
Tuesday, November 10
While many individuals and organizations, including funders, see the value of family engagement, they often struggle with the logistics of how to engage families. The new report, Moving Beyond the Family Engagement Check Box: An Innovative Partnership to Promote Authentic Family Engagement in Systems Change, by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and Family Voices provides an example of family engagement in systems level work. This webinar shares the partnership that CSSP and Family Voices undertook to create and implement a process for engaging families in the Pediatrics Supporting Parents (PSP) national initiative to promote the social and emotional development (SED) of young children. This webinar will be held at 1 p.m. on November 10. RSVP here.
Freshstart Smoking Cessation Program
Wednesdays, November 11-November 18
Aurora Health’s four-week smoking cessation program, Freshstart, is offered at no cost and teaches participants how quit smoking and not be dependent on nicotine, from the comfort of their own home. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays, 3 to 4 p.m., from October 28 through November 18 on Zoom and are sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Register by emailing [email protected].
Compassion Curve Virtual Gathering
Thursday, November 12
SaintA is offering this free virtual gathering which will focus on Relationship and Reason to Be, with a special focus on equity. It’ll be held from 1 to 2 p.m. on November 12. Register here.
Grief Sensitivity Institute Part 2
Thursday, November 12 & Friday, November 13
The MHTTC Network is offering the second part of its virtual learning series, Grief Sensitivity Virtual Learning Institute. This series is geared towards providing front-line workers (community mental health practitioners, social workers, psychologists, therapists, school mental health personnel, school counselors, educators, etc.) with tools and strategies that can be used when addressing the needs of individuals experiencing grief and loss during COVID-19 and beyond. It will be held from 11 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. on November 12 & 13. Get details and register here. Webinar recordings, slides and resources from Part 1 can be found here.
Community Café: Racial Equity
Wednesday, November 18 / Miércoles 18 de noviembre
The Milwaukee County Disability Services Division is hosting this discussion about Milwaukee County’s declaration of racism as a public health crisis, as well as how you can have difficult conversations about racial inequity and injustice in our community. The community café will be held twice on November 18, from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Registration is required. Email [email protected] to register. Please indicate session time, interpreter needs and required language. Sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams.

La División de Servicios para Discapacitados del Condado de Milwaukee está organizando esta discusión sobre la declaración de racismo del Condado de Milwaukee como una crisis de salud pública, así como también sobre cómo se pueden tener conversaciones difíciles sobre la inequidad racial y la injusticia en nuestra comunidad. El café comunitario se llevará a cabo dos veces el 18 de noviembre, de 12 del mediodía a 2:30 p.m. y de 6 a 7:30 p.m. Es necesario registrarse. Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para registrarse. Indique la hora de la sesión, las necesidades del intérprete y el idioma requerido. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en Microsoft Teams.
Stewards of Children
Monday, November 23 & Friday, December 18
Stewards of Children is a call to action for all adults to help prevent the sexual abuse of children. This Registry-approved training includes a workbook, a video presentation, and group discussion, as well as a refresher on the responsibilities of Mandated Reporters. These presentations are sponsored by The Parenting Network from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon on November 23 and December 18 via Zoom. Call 414-671-0566 for details and to register.
Children’s Services 101
Friday, December 4 / Viernes 4 de diciembre
This monthly meeting, held on the first Friday of the month, is designed to introduce, refresh and clarify the Milwaukee County Children's Services programs to our community. Please join us on the first Friday of every month to: learn more about children’s programs in Milwaukee County including The Birth to 3 Program, The Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program, Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) and more, meet with Milwaukee County Support and Service Coordinators and Managers, and discover and share strategies to empower your child and family. The next session will be held on Friday, December 4, at from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Registration is required. Email [email protected] to register. Please indicate session time, interpreter needs and required language. Sessions will be held on Microsoft Teams.

Esta reunión mensual, que se lleva a cabo el primer viernes del mes, está diseñada para presentar, actualizar y aclarar los programas de Servicios para Niños del Condado de Milwaukee a nuestra comunidad. Únase a nosotros el primer viernes de cada mes para: obtener más información sobre los programas para niños en el condado de Milwaukee, incluido el Programa Birth to 3, el Programa de Exención de Apoyo a Largo Plazo para Niños (CLTS), el Programa de Opciones Comunitarias para Niños (CCOP) y más, conozca con los coordinadores y administradores de servicios y apoyo del condado de Milwaukee, y descubra y comparta estrategias para fortalecer a su hijo y su familia. La próxima sesión se realizará el viernes 4 de diciembre de 18 a 19:30 horas. Es necesario registrarse. Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para registrarse. Indique la hora de la sesión, las necesidades del intérprete y el idioma requerido. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en Microsoft Teams.
Milwaukee Financial Navigator Program
The City of Milwaukee, in partnership with Riverworks Development Corporation, has created the Financial Navigator program. Through this free service, Milwaukee residents can connect remotely with a trained Financial Navigator to receive one-on-one guidance on managing their financial issues. Trained Financial Navigators employed by the Riverworks Financial Clinic will work with residents over the phone to provide information and resources. Residents can call to receive help on a variety of financial topics including budgeting, mortgage assistance, and credit scores.

The Financial Navigators program is designed to help residents deal with the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a critical part of the City of Milwaukee’s response efforts. Click here or call 414-882-7440 for details and set up a session. Services are available in English and Spanish.
Managing Burnout at Work with MHFA
From Mental Health First Aid, here are four tips to manage burnout at work. Most important is practicing self-care so that you can manage symptoms of burnout.
New Issue of IRP’s Focus
A new issue of Focus from the UW-Madison’s Institute for Research on Poverty includes three articles on Covid-19 and poverty, looking at the role of administrative burden in constraining access to pandemic relief, how food insecurity is related to public policies and economic characteristics, and the effects of interpersonal racism on health.
Mental Health Telehealth Survey Results
The Great Lakes MHTTC, in collaboration with Mountain Plains MHTTC, Northeast & Caribbean MHTTC, and Southeast MHTTC recently conducted the COVID-19 Mental Health (MH) Telehealth Response and Sustainability Assessment – a survey and research study focused on the use of virtual behavioral health services during the pandemic. The survey examined the use of telehealth services across participating agencies, identified benefits and drawbacks of using telehealth services within these agencies, and determined projected engagement in telehealth services post-pandemic. Download the report at this link.
The City of Milwaukee Health Department launched "Ask MHD" to respond to questions about COVID-19. Email [email protected] to ask your question.
Food Resources
If you are looking for where to get food right now, visit 211 Wisconsin, dial 211, or text your ZIP code to 898211. FoodShare is another great way to get the food you need for your family! If you are interested in applying to receive EBT benefits, please visit Wisconsin's Access website. Find more information from Hunger Task Force.
Community Advocates' COVID-19 Resource Pages
Home To Stay
Home To Stay is a new website full of resources for people returning from incarceration developed by the Milwaukee County Community Justice Council’s Milwaukee Reentry Council and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. New entries are being added, so check this site often.
Job Opportunities
Milwaukee Prevention Journal Readers -- do you have:

  • Job openings?
  • Upcoming events?
  • News to share?
  • Suggestions?

Forward the information to [email protected]. Thank you for your service to Milwaukee!
Community Advocates Public Policy Institute | 414-270-2950  |
Community Advocates is supported by ReCAST MKE, a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services, under Grant No. 5H79SM063524.