Friends and partners --
As we turn the page on 2020, the Prevention Team at Community Advocates wishes you a safe, healthy, happy, and exceptional holiday season. We're looking forward to connecting with you in 2021!
Kari, Alexandria, Anneke, Chovonne, Hannah, Jan, Jeremy, Lisa, Martha, Rita & Vanesa
Help Kids Grow Up Alcohol-Free: Have Small Talks
Small talks about underage drinking can make a difference in a kid’s choices. That’s because kids really do listen. Research shows having frequent, casual conversations about alcohol, starting around age 8, can be a lot more effective—and a lot less intimidating—than one super serious discussion. So, start talking. Keep listening. Help give a kid the confidence to grow up alcohol-free. Visit for talk tips, facts, and more. This campaign is sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Save the Date
WPHA and WALHDAB 2021 Annual Public Health Conference
May 25-27, 2021
The Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) and Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB) announced that their 2021 Public Health Conference will be held virtually May 25-27 with the theme “Advocating for Wisconsin’s Health, Striving for Justice Through Systems Change.” Registration will open in March 2021. Interested in presenting? Click here for the call for presentations. Deadline is January 15, 2021.
“Pieces: In My Own Voice” Virtual Performance
Monday, December 21
Pieces: In My Own Voice by Brenda Wesley depicts the lives of people living with a mental Illness through vignettes and monologues that cover a wide range of mental health diagnoses. Live theater and video will inter-weave entertainment and educational messages, using music and dance as the driving force when telling these compelling stories. Join Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division for the Pieces Virtual Theater Premiere on December 21 at 7 p.m. Register at this link.
U R It Suicide Prevention
Sunday, December 27
Families Thrive Virtual
Combined Practitioner Training & Training of the Trainer Course
Wednesday, January 6-Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Families Thrive brings together the latest research on child development, brain biology, and the impact of trauma on development to help young people, parents, caregivers, and professionals understand and respond to youth and their caretakers in ways that increase engagement and the likelihood of healthy developmental outcomes. And integrated curriculum combining CSSP’s Strengthening Families ™ and Youth Thrive ™, Families Thrive devotes a module to each of the protective and promotive factors and teaches practical techniques for applying the framework in programs, practices, and communities. Click here for details.
Motivational Interviewing
Wednesday, January 20 & Wednesday, January 27
This two-day professional development opportunity from Share Collaborative will begin your journey of learning Motivational Interviewing (MI) from a trauma-informed, culturally reverent lens. This workshop is designed for all human service professionals and leaders. The event is led by Shawn Smith, member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MIINT), MINT Certified Trainer, and Founder of Share Collaborative. CEUs are available. Cost is $135. Register here.
A Unified Vision for
Transforming Mental Health and Substance Use Care
Mental Health America (MHA) and 11 other national organizations joined together to call on the need for collective action to advance mental health and substance use disorder care in the United States. MHA played a key role in bringing together this unprecedented collaboration to craft a shared vision for mental health to achieve a common goal – improving lives. Read the vision statement at this link.
Help Youth Help Peers Who May Be Experiencing Abuse
Children and youth can be effective advocates and help their peers who may be suffering from child abuse or neglect. This video and factsheet from Child Welfare Information Gateway support youth so they can help each other—or even get help for themselves.
Eliminating Stigma Fact Sheet
Schools and the Opioid Epidemic in the Age of COVID-19
SAMHSA's Behavioral Health Workforce Report
SAMHSA has released the "Behavioral Health Workforce Report," which documents effective mental and substance use disorder treatment models and pertinent staffing needs – as part of the agency’s goal to increase access to evidence-based mental and substance use disorder care.
SAMHSA’s Crisis Services Report
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has published “Crisis Services: Meeting Needs, Saving Lives,” a compendium detailing crisis intervention services, best practices and related components of crisis services, for use by a wide array of community leaders and health care providers to work toward better outcomes for Americans in crisis.
Hold On To Your Butt MKE
DIY Cigarette Receptacles and Cleanup Kits
If you are sick of cigarette litter fouling up your living area, get some help from Hold On To Your Butt MKE. They’re offering do it yourself cigarette butt receptacles and clean up kits for your use. Since the forecast looks good for a while, why not put your time outdoors to good use? Click here for details and to order.
If you are looking for where to get food right now, visit 211 Wisconsin, dial 211, or text your ZIP code to 898211. FoodShare is another great way to get the food you need for your family! If you are interested in applying to receive EBT benefits, please visit Wisconsin's Access website. Find more information from Hunger Task Force.
Community Advocates' COVID-19 Resource Pages
Community Advocates' COVID-19 Resource Pages:
Home To Stay is a new website full of resources for people returning from incarceration developed by the Milwaukee County Community Justice Council’s Milwaukee Reentry Council and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. New entries are being added, so check this site often.
Milwaukee Prevention Journal Readers -- do you have:
- Job openings?
- Upcoming events?
- News to share?
- Suggestions?
Community Advocates is supported by ReCAST MKE, a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services, under Grant No. 5H79SM063524.