You're invited to
Spotlight on Main Street
a CEDAS / CT Main Street Networking Event
Downtown Manchester
Welcoming Transformation

Downtown Manchester is the historic commercial center of Manchester. Its broad Main Street and quaint side streets are lined with turn-of-the-century brick buildings that are home to generations of businesses.

Our next Spotlight on Main Street event will introduce us to the major partners responsible for the transformation of Downtown Manchester

Speakers include:
Gary Anderson,  AICP, Director of Planning & Economic Development, Town of Manchester
Tana Parseliti,  Downtown Manager, Downtown Manchester Special Services District
Stacey Zackin, PhD, MSW, PCC,  Manager, WORK_SPACE


4:00 pm -  
Overview presentation at WORK_SPACE 
launching pad and home base for a variety of start-ups, consultants, artists, non-profits, and entrepreneurs,  WORK_SPACE is a hospitable, flexible, and affordable Meeting Center & Coworking Space. The premier collaborative coworking community east of the Connecticut River, WORK_SPACE is a municipally owned space designed to be part of the ongoing revitalization of Downtown Manchester.

Municipal officials will discuss
Downtown 2020, a two-year initiative aimed at increasing vibrancy and economic opportunity Downtown through incentivizing transformational private development, lowering special district taxes, and achieving key public improvements. 

We'll also be introduced to the  
Downtown Manchester Special Services District (DMSSD), a special taxing district governed by an 11-member board of commissioners. The DMSSD employs a full time downtown manager, two part-time parking constables, and is responsible for the promotion and marketing of the District, business recruitment, parking management and supplemental maintenance and beautification efforts.

5:00 pm - Guided Walking Tour of Downtown Manchester
A nationally registered Historic District, downtown Manchester has classic mixed-use buildings, retail, office, houses of worship, parks - everything that make a downtown! Our hosts will lead us through the highlights, where preservation and economic development meet.

6:00 pm
Reception at WORK_SPACE
Our reception will be provided by Bistro on Main.  The restaurant is owned and operated by the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC). Graduates from the 12-week MACC culinary program work at the restaurant. Check out this story!

PARKING in Downtown Manchester is abundant, convenient, and free!