Second Quarter Professional Development Opportunities

Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, is thrilled to be releasing the second (2nd) quarter of our 2022-2023 Training Calendar! These professional development opportunities are being offered in the months of January, February, and March

To learn more about each of the individual professional development opportunities, please click on the image of the flyer. Registration is through Eventbrite and is required. You can access the registration link in one of two ways. You can find the link through the attached flyer, or you can click the, "Register Here" button located under each of the training descriptions. 

If you have questions about any of the Professional Development opportunities or have any issues with registration, please contact the Professional Development Support Coordinator by phone at (603) 903-0830 or by email at

We look forward to seeing you!

Jazzy January Trainings

Winter Leadership Summit: Appreciative Inquiry and Recruiting, Hiring, Training, & Retaining Great Staff

What's wrong?

What would be helpful?

On the surface, it may not seem like there is much of a difference between those two questions, but shifting from asking, "What's wrong?" to, "What would be helpful?" can bring about new possibilities. Start the morning off learning about Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and how to use the five (5) principles of AI to create affirmative environments.

Next, we'll shift our focus to Recruiting, Hiring, Training, & Retaining Great Staff. Discover the benefits of involving your team in solving challenges, and how to include both traditional and non-traditional modes of leadership.

You don't want to miss out on this year's Winter Leadership Summit! You're getting two (2) amazing trainings for the price of one.

Register Here

Winter Keys to Quality Conference:

Unlocking Your Professional Development, Unlocking Your Potential,

Opening Up Possibilities

We're going big! This year we are offering twelve (12) training opportunities at our Winter Keys to Quality Conference. That's right, we've added an additional training option to each session.

This year's Conference is jam-packed with incredible trainings! Learn more about the Choose Love Movement, examine the influence of adult behavior on classroom climate, discover ways to enrich your multiage classroom experience, and SO MUCH MORE! There is something for everyone, so be sure to check out the brochure to find training opportunities that best meet your needs.

Register Here

Fabulous February Opportunities

A.C.T. Series Day:

Let's Talk About What's "Bugging" You in the Early Childhood Classroom

Don't "bug" out!

We get it: ticks,'s a big, "No thank you!" But really, there's no need to panic. There are a lot of myths out there, especially when it comes to lice. For example, did you know that lice don't actually prefer dirty hair? It's true, a warm head is a warm head to them.

Start the day off learning how to check, detect, treat, and prevent head lice. Later in the morning, learn more about tick-safe prevention strategies to help avoid disease and how to manage outdoor spaces to make them less attractive to ticks.

We can't guarantee that the thought of these creepy crawlies won't still send a shiver down your spine, but this training will give you the tools and resources to keep the children in your care and your staff safe.

Register Here

Marvelous March Events

Spring Leadership Summit:

Hiring & Managing Talent in a Constantly Evolving Job Market

It's not easy finding the right people to hire. A post-pandemic, ever-evolving job market has made it even harder. Join us for our Annual Spring Leadership Summit as Krystal Hicks tackles a variety of topics related to hiring and managing talent. You'll cover employer-branding, strategic pipeline building, how to recruit and hire in a changing economy, and how to leverage LinkedIn, amongst others.

Register Here

Two Ways to Pay

Child Care Aware of NH, a program of Southern NH Services, offers professional development opportunities through the training calendar year (September through June). Some of these opportunities may have a cost associated with them. If you are interested in attending a special and/or conference, but are concerned about the cost, there is assistance available.

  1. CCAoNH Training Bucks: Use your Training bucks earned by participating in a Progressive or Cohort with your program.
  2. NH Cares Scholarship: If attending the conference is cost-prohibitive and you are a provider currently working 30 hours or more; you qualify. This scholarship will cover the total fee to attend this conference. The “NH Cares Scholarship” is non-refundable and non-transferable.


To receive the NH Cares Scholarship please send the information below to with the subject line "NH Cares Scholarship":

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Place of Employment
  • Hours You Work
  • How the NH Cares Scholarship will Benefit You