Advanced Techniques Using Facial & Body Contouring Implants
When’s the last time a weekend added a new dimension to your practice?
Give your patients a great set of options by attending our two-day Masters Educational Series workshop in Las Vegas.
With clear, thorough instruction, our expert faculty imparts the latest techniques using facial and body-contouring implants made of supple, solid silicone.
You’ll learn how to achieve aesthetic and long-lasting patient outcomes from both classroom and cadaver lab sessions.
Your topics covered each day include:
Also discussed on both days:
■ Patient-specific implants
■ Challenging cases
■ Managing complications
Upon course conclusion, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion, plus a “Course Certified” icon for prominent display on your website.
Traditional mandibular implants were designed to sit on the patient’s jaw angle to increase its lateral projection. This can be aesthetically effective, unless the jaw angle is within 2 cm of the earlobe.
An implant on such a high jaw angle can make the patient’s face look too full or chunky, instead of creating a stronger, more defined jawline.
This innovative silicone implant is designed to lengthen the ramus (i.e., increase the vertical distance of the jaw angle from the earlobe).
It then creates a distinct, more angular jaw shape below the patient's natural jawline.
The Placement –
The VMA is placed in a subperiosteal pocket that should follow the outline of the mandibular ramus (vertically), the lateral ramus posteriorly, and the lower border inferiorly.
Screw fixation is particularly important where a portion of the implant is not on the bone, as the VMA must resist forces of displacement caused by masseter muscle contraction.
The Result (for him and her!) –
Contact Implantech for more information about the Vertical Mandibular Angle implant or any of our superior products.