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Canola School: Clean, clean, clean…

the importance of a proper sprayer

tank clean out


Profitable Practices: Strip tilling with Dan Petker

Only one case of avian influenza reported in Canada in May

There are still plenty of unknowns surrounding the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak that has killed millions of chickens and turkeys on farms across North America going back to early 2022, but a drop in the number of new cases in the month of May is a positive sign for the poultry sector. Read More

RealAg Radio, June 5: Blackleg, fungicide application, and check strips

Welcome to this Agronomic Monday edition of RealAg Radio! You’ll hear from Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson, RealAgriculture’s resident agronomist, on a number of topics including: fungicide application in a dry year, strip till, upcoming temperatures and much more!

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Pulse School: Strong stand establishment is a recipe for success

As the lentil crop begins to emerge, there are many lessons to learn from

walking fields early and assessing stand establishment. How does this stand look? Was emergence even? What could be done different next year? These are just some of the many questions that likely need asked every season. Read More

A Bunge-Viterra merger would require Competition Bureau review

While the Competition Bureau won't speculate or comment on a hypothetical transaction, such as the purchase of grain company Viterra by grain giant Bunge, it's hard to imagine a scenario where the Bureau would not eventually be involved in ruling on the deal. Read More

Calves or crops: new research compares per-acre returns of ranching and

grain farming in Saskatchewan

A new report commissioned by the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) and the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation (SSGF) looks at the

differences in profitability between cow-calf and annual crop production in southwest Saskatchewan. Read More

Canola School: Go early or not at all for blackleg control

When scouting for blackleg, many imagine clipping stems near swathing or harvest time. But did you know that infection actually occurs at the very beginning of the growing season? If you're in a high risk situation, such as a tight rotation, growing the same variety, or have background resistance in the field, the disease can be sprayed for very early in the season. Read More

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Tuesday on RealAg Radio

Tuesday on RealAg Radio, host Lyndsey Smith will bring you up to speed on the top ag news stories of the day, featuring guests covering agriculture policy, current events, agronomy, a spotlight interview with Jamie Puchinger of Farming Smarter, and more.

If you have a question or comment about the show, call us at 855-776-6147.  

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