Today, civic participation occurs at many levels. We make impactful decisions about our community every time we make a purchase, vote, post on social media and, of course, volunteer. We think any awareness we can bring to the many resources that might spur individual action for good, falls right in line with what we’re up to at HandsOn.

December 8, 2023

Spread Christmas Cheer

Each year the Salvation Army hosts a free meal at the Phoenix Convention Center on Christmas day. There will be music, games, gifts, and an appearance from Santa Clause. With this large event, they need help to ensure the children and families that attend have a happy holiday.

Be a Holiday Meal Greeter! We are in need of 100 people to welcome everyone in as if they were hosting. Take this opportunity to mingle and spread cheer to everyone in attendance. This volunteer commitment will be from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

Want to be a gift giver? Sign up as a Hall of Joy Volunteer! In this role you will serve as crowd control and distributing toys to children and goodie bags to adult guests. This volunteer commitment will be from 11:00 am - 2:30 pm.

PVSA Recipients

The Presidential Volunteer Service Awards recognizes the individuals that go above and beyond in their commitment to helping their communities.

HandsOn Greater Phoenix was delighted to honor Rishan and Rasya who accomplished so much in a year. Our two young volunteers reached 67 hours of volunteering at local nonprofits to help those in need. They spent their time preparing meals at St. Vincent de Paul, packing food with St. Mary's Food Bank and Feed My Starving Children, and spreading kindness with Ben's Bells and the Be Kind Project.

Thank you Rishan and Rasya for your hard work and helping to make a better community!

Service Project Coordinator

We are looking for someone who is handy, organized, and ready to make a difference!

The Service Project Coordinator will assist in implementing corporate volunteer projects and facilitate large scale annual days of service.

Check out the position description here.

Upcoming MLK Events

2024 MLK Weekend of Service is coming soon January 13th - 15th!

Join us for our annual fruit gleaning that yields thousands of pounds of citrus to go to St. Mary's Food Bank. Sign up for Project Vitamin C today!

Be on the look out for more information about other volunteer opportunities in the new year. Take it as an opportunity to make the day off a day on in improving the community.

HandsOn History

HandsOn volunteers have been lifting up the community for 30 years!

In honor of HandsOn Greater Phoenix's 30th anniversary, we are sharing our favorite moments and fondest memories from the past three decades.

Please join us as we walk down memory lane in each newsletter of 2023!

Thank you, AZ Financial Credit Union for supporting HandsOn Greater Phoenix for 30 years! We are so grateful for the amazing partnership with Arizona Financial. Arizona Financial exemplifies putting community needs at the forefront of their work and have been a staple to the growth of our organization.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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HandsOn Greater Phoenix
Physical Address: 1125 E Southern Ave | Suite 200 | Mesa, AZ 85204
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4107 | Mesa, AZ 85211