Spring 2018
Biotechnology Potato Partnership
Science Based Answers to Sustaining Farmers, Solving Hunger and Securing Our Planet
The Biotechnology Potato Partnership is bringing Late Blight resistant potato varieties to Bangladesh and Indonesia with the goals of :
  • Reducing malnutrition and improving health
  • Reducing the use of harmful pesticides
  • Improving social and economic stranding of women
  • Reducing pre and post harvest losses
  • Catalyzing economic growth
Late Blight Devastates Potato Crops in Northern Bangladesh; 3R Gene Disease Resistant Potato Offers Solutions
Many potato farmers across the Northern divisions of Bangladesh experienced catastrophic crop loss due to a severe outbreak of late blight disease during the 2017 growing season. Dense fog, limited sunlight and cold temperatures were to blame for the unprecedented spread of the water mold,  Phytophthora infestans.

Late blight is common in Bangladesh; however, the 2017 outbreak was especially difficult to control. Increased fungicide spraying skyrocketed grower costs and lower than projected crop production worried many farmers for whom potato provide their only source of income.
Many fields throughout northern Bangladesh have experienced large crop losses due to severe infestation of Late Blight disease.
Late Blight can infect and destroy leaves, stems and tubers of the plant.
The Feed the Future Biotechnology Potato Partnership believes that the late blight resistant potato currently under development will greatly reduce these types of outbreaks resulting in numerous benefits to local farmers.

Bangladesh Minister of Agriculture Matia Chowdhury in a recent speech noted that in addition to the farmers spending large amounts of money to combat late blight, “the fungicides cause air and environment pollution and increase risk to farmers health. But the GM potato could be the ultimate solution of these health hazards.”

To read more about the outbreak please view the complete article here (pdf) .

GMO Fact Check
Statement: GMO's lead to higher prices in the supermarket...
Fact: According to the analysis  The Production and Price Impact of Biotech Crops https://www.card.iastate.edu/products/publications/pdf/10wp503.pdf , corn and soybean prices would be 5-9% higher if the technology were no longer available to farmers.
In Your Kitchen...
Indonesian Perkedel Kentang

·         1 lb of potato (peeled and diced into ½
inch square)
·         4 oz of ground pork/chicken
·         1 tbsp of corn starch
·         1/2 cup chopped celery leaves
·         Salt and white pepper to taste
·         1 egg beaten
·         Cooking oil for frying
1.      Deep fry the diced potato until cooked but not too brown or it will be hard to mash. Place them in a large mixing bowl and mashed with fork while still hot because it's easier to do so.

2.       Add pork and the rest of the ingredients, except for oil and stir to mix everything.

3.       Wet your hands to prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands. Form the mixture into balls, then flatten with your palm to about 1 inch thickness.

4.      Preheat a oil enough to deep-fry the perkedel. When the oil is hot enough, lower the heat to medium so the perkedel won't get burn outside but with pork still uncooked inside. Deep fry until golden brown, it shouldn't take long, about 1 minute on each side or so. Keep your eyes on them as they may brown faster if your perkedel is smaller in size. Place on absorbent paper towel and serve warm or room temperature on its own or with another dish.
Bangladesh 2017 - A Traveler’s Journal
By Hashini Galhena Dissanayake

Bangladesh, situated in South Asia, is slightly smaller than the state of Iowa. Its 2016 population estimate of 163 million people makes it one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Dhaka, the capital, is home to over 14.4 million.

The country sits on the deltas of three large rivers. During the rainy season floodwater covers most the land surface, damaging crops and the economy. As a developing nation, Bangladesh has pledged food security as one of its top priorities. 

A possible answer to achieving food independence for the country is the introduction of genetically modified crops. Success with BT brinjal, introduced in 2013 is now being grown by over 6500 farmers.

In December, the Feed the Future Biotechnology Potato Partnership held the project’s official launch in Dhaka. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake, the team’s Socio-Economic Lead shares her experiences during her travels from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Bangladesh in support of the project and launch event.

Join Hashini as she takes us on her journey in A Traveler's Diary (pdf).
And A Little Potato Humor....
A mother has six children and five potatoes. How can she feed each an equal amount of potatoes????
Do not use fractions.  

Click Here for Answer