Wakefield Walks
Wakefield may span just seven square miles but within it are over 520 roads covering 110 miles. I have walked or run every street in Wakefield and seen how each neighborhood has its own unique charm. Join me at a specified meet-up location each week. We will spend a few minutes talking at the starting point and continue the conversation with those who want to walk and talk. This is a great chance to talk about open spaces, development, sidewalks and any other topics of interest.

Our first walk will be this Friday, March 12th around Greenwood. Meet me at 9 am at Cibo Cafe and Bistro (I highly recommend the coffee!). We will walk around the main Greenwood corridor to talk about upcoming street and drainage improvements, capital investments at the Greenwood school and anything else that might be on your mind.

Tuesday Talks with Julie
I have set various times aside each Tuesday for one-on-one chats for you to meet me and share your thoughts and ideas. Advance registration required in order to get the Zoom and or call-in access. Sign up here.

Fair warning, I do have one rule when it comes to my office hours, regardless of the format: Complaints are welcome but you must also share something positive about our town!